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[Italics = Sign-Language]

"Damn it!" Virgil let go of his x-box controller and threw his hands in the air, turning to Roman and flipping him off.

Roman stuck out his tongue and then smiled, signing with his hands That's three wins for me

I swear to god Virgil replied in sign language.

It had only been a few weeks, around five, and school had started back up, but a lot had picked up and a lot of work had been done, and the boys were enjoying their Senior year together , they had four periods, one including Sign-Language, one of the classes that they had together; they had managed to make it a normal thing to communicate this way now and it worked well for Roman, he felt great in this class because it was his only normal class, all other classes were special classes taken with a small number of people who couldn't communicate as well as other people, such as Roman, but slowly he was starting to be able to communicate better with sign-language as well as verbally, and Virgil, also taking sign-language, was able to reply back, which made things easier talking wise.

Roman and Virgil had also managed to keep their relationship at secret at home very well, Roman's parents didn't suspect a thing, though this meant that Roman and Virgil couldn't sleep in the same room together, unless Roman's parents were gone that is, but occasionally if Virgil had a panic attack Roman would then stay with him that night, though trying to space this out as to not make anything seem suspicious, but it wasn't like Roman's parents checked on him all that much anyway, so long as Roman wasn't getting bad grades, they had no reason to bother him, and with Virgil here, Roman was fine with that. They were still getting used to living with each other, Virgil was still getting used to Roman's parents and...their beliefs, but overall it was working out fine.

I think we'd better get to homework since all you're doing is losing anyway Roman smirked at Virgil.

Ah, shut up, princey Virgil rolled his eyes.

I don't believe I spoke in the first place, did I? Roman squinted with a grin in sarcasm.

"Dork." Virgil scoffed with a smile as he got up.

"Dork." Roman mocked.

"Come on." Virgil nodded towards his room, We can work in my room if you'd like?

Oh? Roman cocked an eyebrow.

Virgil rolled his eyes again Stop being cocky, emphasize the prefix, and let's actually go work

Fine Roman sighed and followed Virgil to his room, glad that the other was getting used to it, seeing as how Roman's room was a bit too overwhelming anyway for him, he wasn't surprised.

Roman's room consisted of a king-sized bed with red silk sheets and white walls with gold borders and a quartz dresser with various trophies on top of it...it was too bright for Virgil.

Roman stopped at Virgil's door as the other opened it before coming in after him.

Virgil kicked off his shoes into a corner and then flopped down into a sitting position on his bed, turning to his backpack that was propped up against the side of his bed and pulling out his binder, laying it down on his bed to pull out his sign-language flash-cards.

Let's start with this because we can both work on it, Virgil looked at Roman.


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