Part 52 - Help is on the way

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❤️ It could have been done better than this, but I'm too tired to fix it. I'll get better, I promise 😘. Enjoy ^.^

This doesn't make any sense! How could he loose so much money! How?! This paper doesn't say much. Does Luke even know about this? He didn't look like that, but maybe he was acting? I have to talk to him!

I quickly grabbed my phone, dialing Luke's number. I got lucky on third try.

"Luke! I need to talk to you," I started, before he had even a chance to greet me as he usually did.

"That's so sweet, but I can't talk right now. I'm driving," Luke said, his voice not enthusiastic.

"Driving? Where are you off to?" I replied, looking down at the paper.

"Find your teacher," he mumbled back at me, so silent that I wasn't even sure if he said what I heard, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"Nothing important, Skirtboy. So be quick, why are you calling?"

"O-ok. Uhm, have you talked with Delirious? About... uhm... about the work or money or stuff like that?"  I asked nervous, having a feeling he had no idea about anything.

"I haven't talked to him since he kicked me out of his house, which he sold afterwards. I assume you haven't changed his mind since he's still ignoring my phone calls."

I slowly nodded my head, closing my eyes for a few seconds just to fight back the tears.

"We... we broke up."

There was a longer silence, and I tried so hard to push away my emotions. The words Delirious said to me still resonated in my mind.

"I'm so sorry. We'll think about something when I'm back. Hold yourself together, ok? And stay strong. I won't let it end up like this," Luke  said, but before I had any chances to say something, he already cancelled the call.

Bye to you as well.

I wiped away the tears, which escaped, and grabbed Delirious' jacket I still had. His scent immediately shrouded me, giving me invisible strength to continue.

I was glad my mum wasn't at home, so there weren't any additional questions. My destination was Scott's lawyer, Richard Blair. I still had the money Scott gave me at the lawyer's hands, because I hadn't needed them. Until now.

I knock on the door, being welcomed by the kindly smiling receptionist.

"Good afternoon. What can I do for you?" She looked at me, obviously prepared not to let me in without a proper introduction.

"Hey. My name's Evan Fong. I really need to talk with Richard Blaire. It's urgent. Please tell him I came because of his client Scott Girberg."

"Take a seat, mister Fong." She moved aside, pointing at the chairs along the wall, before she walked into the door right next to her desk.

I walked in, too nervous to sit down. The money my school therapist left me was the only hope to help Delirious out. He could have been angry at me, have his doubts about me cheating on him, but I knew the paper and its meaning was much bigger problem than anything.

And I also knew, that even though he might have meant what he said to me, and he might have truly broken up with me, he needed my help. And it might have not meant a chance for us, I was here to help him.

"Mister Blaire will see you now," the receptionist smiled at me, letting the door open for me to walk in.

I walked in, looking around. It was a typical office, with nothing special to point out. Richard Blaire was sitting behind his desk, looking at me.

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