Part 8 - Offer, you can't say no to

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I can't help it but I imagine Delirious as the most badass sexy business man in the world. Like the arrogant and selfish man who knows he owns the world ;D.  Enjoy ^.^

I googled his name so many times, always receiving a disappointment. I couldn't find anything about him. I knew it was only the nickname his friend, business partner or brother gave to him, but it was the only lead I had.

I didn't know why I was so desperate to find him again, why I needed to see him or hear his voice again. It was something deep down inside me, maybe satisfaction to know his name. Name of somebody who took my innocence.

"Honey? It's 3 in the morning, go to sleep."

I heard my mums voice, turning my head towards her. She was standing in the door frame, leaning against it.

"I'll in a few minutes. Just finishing my project," I mumbled, feeling already tired.

"Sweet dreams," she whispered, before she walked away again.

My phone started to ring. Looking at the display, I saw name of the company, which sold me out. Frowning, I answered the call.

"Hello?" I greeted whoever was on the other side.

"Evan, it's so good to hear you. How are you, buddy?" MiniLadd's voice asked.

"Oh, good actually," I replied, feeling awkward again.

"I hope I didn't wake you up," he apologized.

"No, no. I was... I was working on the school project," I lied again.

"Sounds fun at 3 am. Well, I just wanted to ask if you're willing to be sold again. There's someone who would want you right now."

"I thought I wasn't on the sale, after the last time," I mumbled.

"No, you're not, but people can see you there. They know you're not on sale, there isn't even a way how to buy you, but he contacted us and demanded you specifically."


"Wildcat told him you didn't want it, but he was so stubborn. So I thought giving this a try. So what do you think?"

I'm definitely not thinking about that right now. After having my experience with the perverted shrink, I think I'll stay low for a while.

"I don't need money right now, I'm sorry," I replied, feeling bad for turning them down.

"I just wanted to ask. Nobody is mad or anything.  Alright, have fun with that project of yours."

He didn't even wait for my response and I was already left with the annoying beeping sound. Putting down the phone, I yawned.

I think it's time to go sleep. Maybe the fate doesn't want me to know him and I understand it. It's even for sure that he doesn't want to know me. I'm just his one night stand and I know I'll never be more.

The next day, anxiety came as soon as I woke up. I knew what was coming, I knew what I had to do. Getting off the bed, I tried to think about million reasons why I couldn't arrive to school. So with heavy heart, I slowly ate my breakfast, my mum already poking me to hurry up.

I wanted to cry so bad, but I couldn't in front of her. She was strong for me this whole time, I had to be strong for her. She dropped me in front of my school and I watched her disappearing car like my last hope on the beautiful day. It was gone.

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