Part 42 - Emberassing photos and a date

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Hey there! ❤️😍

Alright, before you move on below, I just want to inform you about my incoming absence.

First of all, I'm moving back to Prague for Christmas, so I'm not quite sure how much active I'll be here on Wattpad. And with that I wish you all Marry Christmas! ❤️😍 I really hope you all are going to enjoy it the same way I'm. And remember it's not about gifts. And if you ever feel alone, just know we all are here with you.

Second of all, I'm working on a small surprise for you guys.
(Ok, I'm busted. I've been working on it since this summer, but so many things always distracted me).
I hope I'll be able to deliver it until New Years Eve.
All fingers crossed!
Which means, I won't post any chapters until then. I'm sorry about that, but I need to push myself into it and stop thinking about other books 😂.

Third of all? Just go read this chapter. Enjoy ^.^

"And here's Evan when he decided to eat whole jar of nuttella," my mum laughed proudly, showing Delirious photo of me as a baby covered in the chocolate.

I put my head on the table, my cheeks already burning in embarrassment. The only thing I didn't want to happened, and she did exactly that.

"He's cute," Delirious replied, and I just wanted to vanish.

"Wait, I have a photo of him playing with his wee wee for the first time. He thought he was like an elephant. Where did I..."

I quickly looked at her with terror in my eyes.

"No! Ok, that's enough. I'm pretty sure we don't want to see that," I quickly jumped in, hearing Delirious snicker.

"Alright then, but I swear I have it somewhere here," my mum mumbled, still looking through the box.

I exchanged a look with the man, begging him to stop this torture. I noticed he was having a good time, and I just wanted to die.

He doesn't need to see a photo of my wee wee. He saw it already!

"Here it is!" My mum yelled victoriously, and I whined loudly.

Please, no!

"I'm so sorry, ma'am, but I'll be on my way now. It was my pleasure to be here, honestly," Delirious said, standing up, and I silently exhaled.

"Oh, how sweet of you. You're welcome here any time, no need to say a word. I'm really glad Evan found such a confident and strong man as you're," my mum replied, as we were walking towards the door.

"Your son is more of a man than I could ever be," Delirious replied, and I smiled to myself.

"I hope so, he's my son after all. I hope to see you soon."

Both of them shook their hands, and I just silently watched as he left our house.

"Go after him! You didn't even say a goodbye," my mum quickly pushed me out of the door, closing it behind me.

I saw him unlocking his car, and I quickly ran towards him. This whole evening was one big embarrassment, but he was acting so professionally. He even avoided my mum's question about how many people he had had before me, or smoothly answered her question how did we met.

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