Part 40 - Pick up lines

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Not going to lie, I didn't know I was going to post the next chapter so quickly after the last one 😂. Don't get used to that! Also, sorry for the mistakes, I'm too tired to reread this now. Enjoy ^.^

"Close your books and notebooks," Ohm said, right after he walked into the classroom, the door didn't even closed itself.

What's going on?

"Yes, Dereck, it's a surprise exam. If you paid attention yesterday, you have no problems to get through this. Now shut up and focus," he started to give every student a paper, a small smile on his face when he was at my desk.

Lucky me, I was actually paying attention yesterday. And his smile also answers my unspoken question if he's mad at me for seeing me with Delirious.

I was happy with the way I wrote my exam, moving on to the other classes. The day flew by so quickly, mainly because I was having so much fun.

The moment the bell rang I started to pack my things, being once again the last one in the room. I smiled at Ohm, waving at him on the way towards the door, when he stopped me.

"Wait, Evan."

Shit. I didn't do anything wrong, did I? Think, Evan, think!

I turned myself around, looking at him. He was looking through some papers on his desk, when his eyes raised up and met mines.

"Come here, please," he ordered softly, taking one paper into his hand.

I walked towards him, nervously clutching the straps of my bag. He laughed, shaking his head amused.

"You're so easy to read," he laughed, and I recalled that Delirious, and even Luke, said the same thing.

"Don't be nervous. I just want to congratulate you on the results from today's exam. You did really well," he smiled, making my heart beat in excitement.

"Really?!" I smiled widely.

"Yes, I'm proud of you. And I wanted you to have this, just a small reward for your determination."

He handed me red rose, and I felt my burning cheeks. I looked down at the flower, then back at him.

"It's nothing, really. I bought it on the way to school. To you and Bryce."

"Thank you," I smiled, feeling special again.

"And I think you're doing a mistake," he continued. 

"Excuse me?" I frowned in confusion.

"I think that the man you said was your brother, is the same man who hurt you. Because he was trying to talk to you, and I'm sure he apologized and said how sorry he was. But he didn't change," Ohm said, making me blink a few times.

"What?" I whispered.

"Put him into his natural position and he's going to hurt you again. You're going to be humiliated and taken like a nothing, just as you told me. This is just my opinion, but you can count on me when you comes to me after he did that again."

His words got under my skin, deep into my brain, and even though my heart protested, my mind knew that he maybe was right. There always was a chance of Delirious going back to that egoistic asshole, even though he wasn't like that the day before. And that was something I was fearing the most. That I made a mistake for giving him a chance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound so pessimistic," he said into the silence, sighing.

"No, no, that's fine. You're right, I forgave him too soon," I mumbled, looking down at the rose.

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