Part 11 - Evan

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Not happy with this chapter, but I tangled myself in this story 😂. Hopefully now it's the right way. Enjoy ^.^

P.S: Would you mind some Vantoonz? Later H2OVantoonz? Just an idea.

I wiped away my tears, trying to force my brain to sleep. But it was pointless. My mind was still returning to the perverted shrink, my upcoming event. The previous day I was saved by Cartoonz, but the was no chance on saving me today. I knew it, my mind knew it.

I picked up my phone, looking at the time. I silently whined when I knew my alarm would be going off in a few minutes.

Maybe I should tell my mum about it. She's gonna understand. Surely. I sold myself on the internet for the money we needed. Amazing, right?

I slowly sit up, feeling so tired. But I knew the idea of today's sleep vanished into the air like a morning mist. The moment I put my feet on the ground, my alarm went off. I turned it off with a loud sigh, wishing for some miracle during this day.

I met my mum in the kitchen, she was already making me a breakfast. She looked at me with a smile, which froze on her beautiful face.

"What's going on, Ev?" She asked worriedly, and I just shook my head.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"Don't lie. Is it something in that gang of yours? Are they blackmailing you?"

"I'm not in the gang, mum, I already told you that. It's about the project and the exams," I explained tiredly.

"You've always managed to swim through the grades with A+. I don't think you need to be stressed over that."

Only if you knew.

"I'll try, thanks."

"I'll drive you to school. How does it sound?" She ruffled my hair, putting the plate full of ham and eggs.

Drive me somewhere far away instead. Maybe I could skip today's school! Doesn't sound like a bad idea.

After we ate, she drove me to school. As unlucky as I was, she watched me walk into the building. And that was my end. My teacher led me to the class, even though I was telling him I can walk on my own.

The time went so slow and I was suffering even more. Just one more subject left, before my shrink, when half through the school radio started to play. After a ten seconds of intro music, there was a headmaster.

"Evan Fong, get yourself to my office as soon as possible. I repeat, Evan Fong to my office."

I didn't know what I did, terrified that maybe my shrink truly showed my pictures to everybody, because I didn't slept with him the other day.

"You heard him, grab your things and go," my history teacher said annoyed.

I did what I was told, already walking towards the room. I knocked, waiting for the answer, and when I heard it, I walked in.

There was my headmaster, sitting behind the desk. But he wasn't alone. I saw Cartoonz on his phone.

"I'm here," I announced myself.

What is he doing here with my headmaster? What is going on?

"Mister Patterson told me everything. I'm really proud of you, Evan. It's great to see you want to expand. You're excused from the rest of the school, go now."

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