Part 7 - The voice

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Alright, this is uncomfortable even for me. So I'll understand if you skip it to the second half :D trust me, I was hating myself so much. Enjoy ^.^

"Aren't you hungry, sweetie?" My mum's voice dragged me back from my thoughts.

I looked down at my breakfast, poking a fork into it. I really didn't have any taste, I felt disgusted with the idea about today's upcoming scenario.

"Not really," I mumbled, sighing.

"Have some happened? Is everything alright? You seem nervous," she said softly.

"It's nothing, just some exams."

She smiled at me, ruffling my hair with a chuckle.

"You're smart boy, Evan. I know you can make it to straight 'A'. And you know what? We can go to the restaurant tonight, what do you say?"

"Sounds great," I smiled at her, standing up.

"Alright, let's go."

She pushed me to the way my new room was. I quickly changed, walking to the car. I waited a few more minutes, before my mum finally got in.

She drove me to the school, as she got used to, and I walked in as slow as I could. I was terrified, looking around me like somebody should have killed me any seconds. I couldn't even breath properly, I was so anxious.


My chemistry teacher made me look at her, instead of the notebook I had opened on the table.


I looked around, being again the last person in the class. I cursed myself, quickly taking my stuff. Before I left the room, I heard his last words, making me shiver in disgust.

"I really believe mister Girberg can help you, Evan."

Oh Lord. What now? He surely knows when my school ends, he's expecting me. Is there any way how to avoid this? No! I can't cry, not now.

I wanted to think about any other way, how to avoid that disgusting man, but I couldn't think about anything reasonable. My legs carried me to his office. I fought the tears as fiercely as I could, trying to think only about happy things.

Before I had a chance to knock, the door already opened. He was standing there with a smirk plastered on his ugly face.

"I knew you would have come."

He stepped away, so I could walk in. My body shivered, I stomach raised. I wanted to run away, when I felt his arms wrapping around my body like a sneak around his food.

"We're going to take it slowly, don't worry. I know you were a virgin, it was written there. I'll give you as much experiences as you need."

Big boys don't cry!

I felt his kisses on my neck, when I lost the will to hold my tears back. They streamed down, silent sob escape my mouth. I was violently turned around, receiving a slap across my face.

"Don't you fucking cry on me!" He yelled me at, while I rubbed the place where he hit me.

"We can do it your way, if you want. Unpleasant and painful for you," he spat at me angrily, making my heart race in fear.

"P-please, don't," I whispered, wiping away more tears.

"Then don't fucking cry! Come here."

He grabbed my arms, yanking me towards him. I stumbled upon my feet, painfully hitting the ground. I wanted to get on my feet again, when his hands held me down.

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