Um, HEY?

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Howdy y'all?

Okay let me start again.

HI. I was just rereading this book and I realized how much I have changed in this past two years. I realized how scared, weak and unhappy I felt back then. Right now, I'm probably in a much less bitter and much better place in my life. I'm also more (read as: slightly more) mature and this book and wattpad was a huge chunk of my teenage. It's embarrassing, it's cringe, but I'm not taking this down.

In fact, I don't know how many of you guys would still read it, but I'm gonna post 9 more parts to this book and close it at 50 chapters. A slightly more grown up me has some things to say, if you guys are ready to hear it. And dw, there'll be light moments and jokes too. Duuhh!

Otherwise how would this be, me?!

So in a few days.

Love and love,

Diary of a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious TeenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat