Don't let 'em bring u down!

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry! It's been a long time and I haven't updated and stuff.

I had my SSC results the other day and yeah, I mean I scored okay-ish marks. I scored 88%. So all the aunties, relatives, etc were expecting a 90% or above from me. And, well, I am fine with my %, happy even, but they just know how to bring your spirits down. Really!

Like, you know, 'you should've worked a little hard for that 2%.' You think I don't know. You think I haven't thought that? Did I ask u to expect anything from me? Suckers.

Tbh, I was good with my marks and stuff cuz I knew his much I had actually studied. Which was nothing. Again, I'm not that kinda person who stays with their head buried in the books. Sorry. I went out with my friends, I wrote, I read (non-academic stuff), I was goddammed chilled out. And tbh, I Didn't feel too bad. Because hey, let's be real, I knew I used to stay up until 4. And read on Wattpad.

Ppl used to get up at that time to study. I know, I'm an idiot. But I don't regret anything. Cuz I honestly enjoyed the year to the fullest. After all, who cares. Those gossipers will just talk for a few days and then forget. But they really know how to bring someone down, I have to give them that much.

Anyways, I'm not really sad or crying over my result or whatevs. I'm.........fine. I'm good, ya! But also, I'm not really in a mood to update any of my stories. Sorry. I'll give u guys a double update soon. Promise.

Thanks for understanding,


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