Earphones in, World out.

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You are an idiot if u think it is OK to talk to me when I have earphones on. It is NOT OK.

Like the EFF Broda!! Can't u just see!!! I have my freaking earphones in my ears and it means LEAVE ME THE EFF ALONE!!!! Earphones are in themselves a DND sign. Understand that. DO NOT BE DUMB. UNDERSTAND THIS.

Like seriously, it's so annoying when people do that. Especially when they call you when they know u can't hear them and when you take the earphones out of your ears an ask them to repeat, they'd be like 'No, nothing, forget about it.' Annoying AF. Like, what? Are you legit crazy or something?

I just stopped my Fav song to hear your possibly (and probably) absolute bullshit, and all u got for me is nothing. Who the hell you think u are?!

Just don't talk to me in the first place, understand?

Another thing that annoys me is people that have earphones on while driving. Like are you giving a invitation to accidents or waht?! Not only are you risking your own life, but also others. Don't be Effing stupid.

Wow, I sure do rant a lot.

Usually, I use earphones to ignore/block people and it's really irritating when they don't understand that and keep bugging me. What are your views on this?

Do u agree? Do you disagree?

Tell me in the comments below. So keep reading, voting and commenting!

Love ya,

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