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Hello everyone!!!

Yup, I'm alive!!! *drumrolls*

So, Where in the world have I been? Why didn't I update? What was (maybe still is) wrong with me? What the eff was I doing all this days?

First thing, I've been SUPER-DOUPER (I know that's not a word, but I'm original, DUH) Busy. Things have been really hectic and believe me I totally need a breather. I have been so Damm Busy that I don't even have time for myself.

Second, I totally LOVE all the support you guys have given 'Rediscovering Love'!!! I mean, its just the summary and its gotten about 20 comments already?! Thank you so much!!!!

I'm trying my best to make the chapter perfect and, I'll be posting it later tonight!!! It's a pinky promise!!!

And, I'll try to update as soon as possible!! And, I'm not just speaking about the first chapter, in saying it in general!!! Sorry for being such a pain in the ass!!!

It's just that my SSC exams (in case you don't know what that is, its an important examination in India) are in less than 3 months and my mom doesn't stop pestering me about it!!! I have like 3 tutions in a day +school, meaning I study for about 10 hours a day ( no, not really,lol) And when I return home, I'm EXHAUSTED!!

So.....really sorry!

Wait for the update,

Until then,



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