Every Cloud has a silver lining?

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"Riley started to jump...." Started to jump really?

"Riley thought ending her life was the only option that would bring her what she desperately craved. Peace. Love. And Solace." Too depressing.

"Riley wanted to free herself. But that was not all. She wanted to free herself from herself." Too confusing.

She ground her teeth in frustration as she crumpled and tossed away yet another paper, adding to the pile on the floor. It had been three months. Three whole months and she still hadn't figured out how to end it. She only had a week to complete it now; just a week and she hadn't even started the chapter yet.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to focus. But it was impossible. She knew that forcing herself would do her no good. No great creation came out of chocked creativity. She massaged her temples with her right hand and took a sip of her coffee, relishing the caffeine and the bittersweet taste. Coffee, her companion and utmost love couldn't seem to uplift her today. She sighed and decided to venture out to the balcony, hoping that the fresh air would help. But as soon as she stepped out, she realized it had been drizzling.

She sighed as she looked out of the window, leaning on the rail and stretching her right hand to catch the little droplets that fell from the sky. She could see how the rain was depressing to some people. The thought of dark grey clouds, casting a gloomy spell on the atmosphere, peeing from the sky didn't feel particularly uplifting.

But it's different for me, she thought quietly, It always has been.

Ever since she was a child, monsoon had been her favorite season. There was more than just one reasons to it, but mostly it was because it brought back memories.

A whole lot of memories.

Memories she shared. Happy memories.

Memories, she'd go back to in a heartbeat.

She sighed for what felt like the fiftieth time that evening, and the sky seemed to sky sigh with her. She was almost knocked off her feet when an overwhelming wave of nostalgia hit her with full force. She remembered every single time she had danced in the rain. Jumped into puddles. Screamed in utter bliss. Messed around with dad.

She remembered it all. The way he used to be so concerned for her and the way he was rendered speechless at her "puppy dog" face. The way he let her do her own things, they way he supported her in her life. A small tear slipped through her right eye and made it's way towards her cheek as she thought about him.

Oh, how she missed him.

She'd give every single cent she had, if that meant she could go back to him. To those times. She sighed again. The rain reminded the people a lot, she discerned. And maybe that was exactly why some people didn't like it. Because it reminded them of things they tried hard to forget. Things that haunted them. Things that made up their nightmares.

That, or they plainly hated lounging around inside the house.

She smiled as she thought of the one person who she knew was like that. That little ball of energy with a mop of wavy black hair. She'd never been able to sit idle for more than five minutes. Always so restless. Always so stubborn.

Well that was one-and probably the only-trait she shared with her sister.

Where is she right now?, she wondered, Is it raining wherever she is? Is she reminiscing about old times too?

She chuckled. They were never the most ideal pair of siblings, but she loved her to bits and pieces, and that's what really mattered, didn't it? She-Two strong but lean arms sneaked around her waist and as she was deep in thought she almost screamed, startled.

"What'cha thinking about, Princess?" He spoke as she turned around in his arms, ready to scold the life out of him, that was until she looked into his eyes. His dark hazel orbs that were flecked with gold, copper and a little bit of green, were smiling. She knew she sounded absurd, but she didn't care.

"Just about dad. And Julia. And the rain." She answered after getting lost in his eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

"Remember how we had our first kiss in the rain? " He asked, smiling down at her and kneading his fingers through her long brown hair.

"On my porch. And then my dad came out and you ran away. How can I forget that?" She laughed, remembering the frightened look on his face as he ran for the hills when Dad had suddenly come out of the house.

"Hey, I was 15. And he had a real gun." It only made her laugh some more. "But now I know, I'd take a thousand bullets for you. You're my one and only, my Princess." She shook her head at his corny words, but on the inside, she had melted because of the sincerity in his words and the serenity in his eyes.

"Don't expect that would make me give you the special dessert tonight. That's only for the guests." She said, and he broke out in a guffaw, a sound she had grown to love. And she smiled.

For he may be a corny idiot, but he was her corny idiot.

Maybe it wasn't all that bad. she realized. Maybe there was a silver lining.

Maybe there always is, but we fail to see it.

Maybe Riley had it too.

Maybe we all do.

A/N: Well, just something I wrote today. If you don't like the rain, we can't be friends, understood?

Lol, jk. (Not really)

So tell me if you like the rains. Does it annoy the crap outta you or you love it?

Personally, I LOVE RAINS. In all caps. Yes, I really love it that much.

Also, 1.7k reads??!!! And over 200 votes and almost 200 comments???!! Like whaaaaat?!! I can't believe it ppl are interested in my oh-so-stupid-but-kind-of-entertaining life. (Well, not exactly entertaining tho) (lol) A big shoutout to all those who have ever read and voted and commented! Thank you so much. This is dedicated to you. Cute as a button, every single one of ya!! Lol¡ (that is for love you lots)

And, do tell me how you like this. Do vote and comment, as always, keep giving me the love.

Much love and a promise of many more entertaining (or so I hope) chapters,

P.S: I know I haven't updated IAHFAR, but I will. Hopefully soon. Bye.

Diary of a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious TeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora