Moving On

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When u see a person after a long time, one of two things can happen.

1) You realize how much you actually missed the person and you feel like hugging the EFF out of them.

2) You realize that the person hasn't really taken up much of your thoughts and you realize you're fine without them. Sure, you might enjoy thier presence but thier absence didn't make that much of a difference to u.

And that was exactly how I felt when I saw my crush-I think it's safe to say Ex-crush now- after a really long time.

Yes, when he talked to me I realized something. My stomach was completely still, my nervousness long gone. For the first time, there were no butterflies in my stomach. I realized I didn't miss him. I'm happy to say I'm kinda moving on, just like life does. He's cute, yes, But I don't really like him now.

I am really happy to say this, I've finally moved on from him. This is good. I feel great after the realization hit me like a truck. I might never speak to him again after our SSC results. Heck, I might never even see him again. But its OK. He's a good guy. A little arrogant, but good nonetheless. He'll get a great girl. I wish him luck for the future.


PS. This was written way back in January. On January 16th to be exact. Just saying. Up until now, I don't think I had a crush, but that can't be forever, right? Maybe or maybe not I've started liking someone else..........

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