Long time!

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Hey everyone! It's been a while! How are you guys? It's actually so late right now, I should be sleeping, but I'm not. It's 2:23 AM and I feel so-*yawns*- tired. I must sleep, bit I just wanted to do this little thing first.

I just wanted to apologize for being inactive and not being able to update even after my exams got over. Actually I was at my Uncle's place since the last week and a half and there was no Wi-Fi available over there. Then we had this family function and finally my Mom's Birthday today ie 20th April. We wished her and cut the cake and gave her a nice purse as a gift. All the preparations had kept me busy. I feel like I should personally apologize and so, here I say it. I'm so sorry.

Thanks to my autocorrect that I can write understandable English right now, otherwise.........

Wow I'm so fuckin' sleepy,my eyes are litrally drooping. G'nite peeps!

Love and the sweetest dreams,

P.s: I updated IAHFAR, go check it out!

Keel reading, voting and commenting!


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