7 Weird Turn-Ons

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So....hey everyone! What's up? Are you fine? I hope you are. Okay, so let's start with this.

As you can see, the title of this post is pretty much self explanatory. Btw, it's 7 weird turn-ons for girls. So dear guys, read with attention and dear girls, read it and tell me if you agree or nah? Here we go:

1) Lip rings: I don't know if this is just me, but I think girls find it incredibly hot of a guy has a lip ring. We imagine the feel of the cool metal when we get to kiss you. It's spontaneous, I guess.

2) Mystery: We love it when you're mysterious. It draws us in. But take care, if you're too aloof, the girl might think you're not interested in her. Just find a proper balance.

3) Smell: Girls completely adore nice-smelling guys. If we hug you and we inhale your aftershave and get goosebumps or when you pass by and your cologne just makes us turn to look who is it, mission accomplished. Guys who smell good get laid faster. (not too much of it tho)

4) Hygiene : This one might come off as surprising, but it should not. Being hygienic-not like a neat freak but at least having basic hygiene, maintaining your nails(which reminds me I have to file mine), being clean down there. All these speed up the process and make you more attractive.

5) Bits of skin :Before you think I'm a cannibal, let me explain. You wearing formals and rolling up their sleeves to the elbow when we see your veins, you stretching and the shirt riding up, so that we can see your happy trail or the v line. Huge Instant attraction.

6) Sweating : Not the pig kind, but guys coming out after a jog, or a shower and looking all messy and and hot is just-HOT. Brownie points if you have a tattoo.

7) Teasing touches: The "accidental" teasing touches at the back of the neck, or brush of the arm, or coming so close as if your about to kiss us and then backing up a little, caging us between your arms and the wall, pouring ice around thier navel and neck are all the kind of things we need to get us going.

Disclaimer, Disclaimer!

If you're gonna do any of this, remember to use your own discretion. Do not do anything without anyone's consent and remember that too much of anything can be dangerous so find a balance, y'all.

So I found this written and forgotten long ago and so I completed this and here we go!

Tell me how you like this? Did I miss some other turn ons? What turns you on? Let me know in the comments, below!

Until next time,

Happy reading,

Love and another four letter l word (wink,wink) ;

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