MotivationalMonday #2

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"Dare to dream, Dare to excel."
Dream. Because dreams do come true. And work hard to achieve excellence. Sincerity, hark work and dedication are the three things that can help you to achieve that. Do NOT listen to others who try to put you down or make you believe that you aren't good enough. Let your dream give you sleepless nights, let your dreams drive you to achieve success.

So...that was pretty much it. Sorry I missed it last Monday. I won't from now on, promise. And oh, btw, that quote is my school's motto. It's totally inspirational and I'm gonna miss school so much. :(

Edited (29/02/16) : I know, I know! How could I have missed it since the last two Mondays, right? Before you start throwing things at  me and threaten me with pitchforks, let me explain. Actually my boards exams beings this Thursday and I've been really caught up with studying stuff. *Mumbles* Although I admit that I read many books but-WHAT? Yes, it ain't a crime, ok? I'll possibly not update in a while ( A while being a month, but then again, you never know, i might update if i feel like it.)

P.S: On a totally different note, April's nearing. Meaning, along with My 16th B'day, the days when I can write without any restrictions because Vacations. That means RD and IAHFAR are coming back! I'm totally excited, who's with me?

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