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Dear Dairy,

Like seriously, whoever even begins writing in their diary like that?? I wasn't going to, but just for the heck of it, I did. Lol.

So, anyways, onto what I was about to say.

Why the heck are siblings So Effing annoying???!!! Who agrees?

When I was 7, I really really wanted a little brother or sister. Everyone around me, (all my friends) had their siblings, older or younger. I too wanted someone whom I could teach, dress up and play with. ( I was just 7, OKAY!)

So I asked my parents and the asked me to pray to god and all that.( B'cuz then I thought that babies were God given and didn't know the real deal)
Fast forward seven months, there's a real Cute baby girl in my mom's arms. I was so happy in the start. She was really cute and all. I loved her very much, still do but now she's become one goddamm spawn of Satan.

So, now ie. many years later, the only work she has is getting on my nerves. Whenever I'm with my friends, she'll come and sit beside and not leave is alone even if I ask her to. It's like she has to be stuck with me, like she's been glued to me with Effing Superglue.

My sister, even though she's very young, is the most diplomatic person I know. She knows what to say to whom to make them feel like she's on their side. She knows how to work her way out and get what she wants, be it by force or by crying.


That's another thing that aggravates me. Honestly, she used to cry lesser when she was younger. I totally HATE that she cries on really petty things, even for her. It's so damm Annoying!! Ugh!!

On the top of it all, whenever I do something wrong, I get scolded. But even when she does something wrong, I get scolded cuz, " you're her sister. You should take care of her."
Ugh!!! Totally stupid!!!

Its really ridiculous because the devil child can be actually sweet and caring when she wants to be. Like there was this time when I wasn't feeling much well. ( had a huge ass fight with my bff) and then she was like really really sweet and even gave me Her own CHOCOLATE!!!! That's just..... Sweet!

I was kinda surprised cuz my sister and I can share everything but when it comes to Chocolate, NO Effing way!!!

She's cute, sweet but annoying as hell. And I still love her! ( do I have ANY other choice?)

Don't you think siblings are annoying?? Can you feel me?? I'll have to make sure she doesn't see this the time,

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Love and a shield for protection from siblings,

Diary of a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious TeenWhere stories live. Discover now