chap 11. love has limits

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So it was official! Megan and Liam were a couple, and so were Niall and Valencia (pronounced Vu-Lynn-Ce-Uh). It didn't take long to get Louis and Jaime together. They were SUCH good couple! As long as my friends are happy, I'm happy.

The boys had another concert tonight, and it was my job to make sure their wardrobe was correct and came in. So I drove up to the Stadium, checked in, and looked over the plans with the manager and boss.

I waited forever for the boys to get here! I even waited out in the back. When I was JUST about to walk out and call Paul, I heard someone banging on the back door. Scared, I rushed over and opened it. Luckily, it was the boys, all tired and hyper. They all shoved past me trying to get in. Their bodyguard Vance came in behind and slammed the door.

"Damn, what happened?" I gasped observing them.

Half of their clothes were ripped, and they had kiss mark stains everywhere. "The,f-fans", Louis began panting.

Liam took a water bottle from near by and chugged it down his throat. Niall collapsed to the floor, Harry was still trying to catch his breath, and Zayn leaned against the wall.

"You guys look terrible! Are any of you hurt? Vance, go get Paul" I began.

I checked Liam's chest, and it looked bad. "And possibly, a few first-aid kits!" Vance nodded, took out his walkie talkie, and left.

'Can any of you make it to the main dressing room?" Harry managed to walk, well, limp, and I helped Liam up, putting his arm around my shoulder.

Louis, who wasn't as BAD the others took his other arm around his shoulder and helped me. Zayn limped a little, but looked ok, and Niall leaned on his shoulder.

Those girls tore them UP! Liam was the worse. He had several more bruises and scratch marks, and his clothes were ripped more than anyone else. I got a bottle of SP.alchol and cotton balls, then rubbed it on his chest.

He moaned in pain, but stood strung. I took the bandage gauze and wrapped it around his chest. After I was done, I gave him his new clothes, and a pill, just in case he would get a headache.

After Liam, I took in a poor, tired Niall. I gave him some coffee to keep him up, then patched him up as well. He had scratches everywhere on his arm, and I used almost twenty band-aids on him.

Louis was kind of easy. His forehead was bleeding, and he had several marks on him. I patched it up wit make-up, gave him some bandages, and moved on.

Next...Harry and Zayn. Zayn walked in and he looked almost as bad as Liam did.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked trying not to look at him, knowing I would have to anyway to help him. I saw his shirt was half ripped, showing his body.

Greatttt. I grabbed the alchol and cotton balls. Regretting it, I told him to take off his shirt.

He did so, and I tried not to make it obvious I was checking out his abs. I hurried up so I wouldn't have to stare, and he moaned in pain.

"Do you have to rush?" he asked after I finished. I rolled my eyes and got the gauze.

"Just sit still" I said ignoring his comment. He shrugged and smiled.

"You're the doctor" he winked. Ignoring that again, and trying not to blush, I wrapped the gauze around his chest, uncomfortable about how close I was.

After I finished, Zayn thanked me. "No problem, tell Harry he can come in, and go get dressed"

I reminded him. Zayn rubbed the back of his head ans sighed.

"About that night" he started. I didn't even wanna be REMINDED of that!

"Just go!" I said almost crying.

"There a problem?", someone asked. Harry was at the doorway still clutching his stomach.

Zayn acted normal. "Not at all, right Em?" Zayn lied looking at me. Harry looked at both of us.

"Peachy" I lied. Zayn walked out, not without looking back at me.

Harry limped in and sat beside me while I did the same thing to him. After I cured him, I was going to leave, when he stopped me.

"Can I ask you something?" he fumbled.

I nodded. "Is there, well" he said then chuckled.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head. "Its nothing" he said trying to change the subject.

"Tell me!" I pleaded shaking his arm. "Careful! You might break my arms!" he joked. I rolled my eyes at his joke.

"Well, do you, do you like Zayn?" he asked finally.

For a minute, my heart stopped. "What?" I managed to say.

"Do you?" he asked again. Did he think I liked Zayn? Not good...

"N-no, why?" I choked.

Harry sighed. "The truth" he said firmly.

"I don't! Honestly! I don't know what made you think that"

I responded getting quiet. "Well, I see the way you look at him, and get all quiet. And when Perrie came, you acted all strange, like you didn't want her there" he continued.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I do" I fought back. NOT good.

"Just be honest, I can take it.." he pleaded. "Take what?!"

"Listen, I like you, okay!" he blurted out a little angry.

I froze and felt my heart do flip flops. "Y-you d-do?" I whispered.

Harry flipped his hair to the side. ", do you like me...or Zayn?" he said not giving up.

"H-Harry..., please"

Harry shook his head. "Why do I even try!" he blurted.

He left the dressing room enraged and I just sat down and cried. Now he HATES me...

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