chap 13. Arguing!

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Emma's POV-

It's been a three weeks since Harry had asked me to be his girlfriend. After the concert, he gave me the biggest boquet of roses, and made it official. It was the most special moment. He's such a sweet boyfriend and I care about him with all of my heart. He took me to the park, and we acted foolish, but yet romantic. Harry set up a picnic under a blossom tree, and had sparkly lights everywhere in the park at dusk. Another date we had was a late night swim. Harry was even sweet enough to cook for me when I was sick!

'I've never felt so wanted and cared for in my LIFE! Sure...Zayn treated me like a princess to, but not the same way Harry does. He hasn't been pulling anything off lately. Maybe he's come to his senses. After the hits were done recording, they had a little time to take a break before another concert, meet and greet, and interview. While I was getting ready, Someone knocked on my door. It was Liam.

"Hey cuzzo!"

I smiled throwing my hair into a long braid. Liam looked serious. Instead of greeting me back he shut the door, sat on my bed and sighed.

"You know that I love you Emma, very much", he finally managed to say. Where was he going with this?

"Yes, of course". Liam looked me in the eye.

"I don't think you should see Harry anymore Em" he admitted.

I cannot believe what I was hearing! "And why is THAT?!" I shot back getting offended and angry.

"Calm down Em..." He breathed.

"Don't tell me to calm down! No! Not again Liam! Every relationship, you do this to me!" I complained like a child.

"I just don't think it's such a good idea. Harry's...different. He is usually more interested in older women, I just don't want to see you get your heartbroken...he's famous and all" he explained raising his voice a little. Tears started to build up in my eyes.

"Why do you always treat me like a child! You are NOT my dad, you are NOT my mum, you're my cousin Liam! Start treating like that!" I fought on.

"All my life, I've supported you AND my sisters! Who was there when NaNa had a heart attack and you didn't know what yo do? Me!" He reminded me.

That terrible memory of an eleven year old me watching my grandmother collapse to her death popped in my head.

"How DARE you bring that up! That has NOTHING to do with you treating me like a little girl Liam!"

"It dies! You needed me! Just like you'll need me if Harry breaks your heart!" He protested.

This time, I let my tears fall down my cheek.

"Sooner or later, title to accept that in not little anymore Liam....and I won't end our relationship" I finished. Before he could protest, I walked out to find Harry..

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