chap 12. Gotta Be You

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Harry's P.O.V.-

I felt really bad for yelling at Emma that way. I was just mad and frustrated, and perhaps a tad jealous. I really have some feelings for her. I've always have. I just didn't know how to express them. Now, I have this funny feeling she may have a thing for Zayn, and Zayn might have a thing for her as well. That doesn't surprise me. Emma is very pretty and any guy would KILL to get her. Perrie arrived and of course was all over Zayn. Megan, Valencia, and Jaime all came out with their boyfriends before the concert to. I felt very lonely and like I didn't belong. Liam asked where Emma was. Zayn looked up as soon as he said Emma.

"We, well, kind of argued" I admitted. I couldn't lie to Liam. He'd find out one way or another.

"What? What for? What do did you do to her?!" he said getting a little angry? Everyone's attention was on me, especially Zayn's.

"I'll go talk to her" Megan suggested. She pulled away from Liam and went back to Emma.

"What did you do to her?" Zayn asked getting almost as upset as Liam did, who by the way, was still looking at me. Liam looked his way.

"Since when did you care?" he snapped.

Valencia got in between everything. "That's enough! Not before the concert you guys!"

Valencia was right. No drama. Not now. All silent, we started up the concert. But the entire time, I was thinking about Emma, who I found in the crowd with Megan and Jenny.

Emma's P.O.V.-

Megan came to talk to me, and found me crying in the dressing room. She comforted me as soon as possible. She made me laugh a little, which she's really good at. That made me better. We walked out to our seats, greeted by fans. Megan was waving and blowing kisses to the fans.

"Yeah, get used to them loving you now. Once they know bout you and Liam, they won't like you anymore" I teased.

Megan rolled her eyes and shrugged, then taking my hand rushing us to our seats which were in the front. Soon, the lights dimmed, and the stadium was full of screams. Once the boys entered, it went even more frantic. We found Jenny who saved us a seat, and we all watched the boys do there thing. They started off with What Makes You Beautiful.

Megan screamed when Liam started his line and Jenny and I laughed. Then once Harry began his, my heart dropped and I stayed quiet. Megan smiled and rubbed my shoulder, making me get up. I guess I didn't have a choice! They continued with more songs, like Up All Night, Live While We're Young, and then One Thing. Zayn found me in the audience, and he was singing his line while still looking at me.

After One Thing, Liam went to the mic. "Hello lovlies!" he yelled. Girls screamed in responses with, I LOVE YOU, or, MARRY ME. Did I mention they were RIGHT behind us, screaming in our ears.

"We're going to sing Little Things next, how bout that?" Louis said next.

Everyone cheered. "Now, out of all of our songs off our album, this one inspired me. Because of that special girl" Zayn said next, looking at me.

Some people awed, thinking he was talking about Perrie. To my surprise, Megan and Jenny rolled their eyes and gagged.. I giggled. Perfect! I'm not the only person that can't stand her. When Zayn said that, Harry looked at me, knowing he didn't mean Perrie. The music started and everyone waved their lights and clapped. Zayn started off his lines and many girls swooned. The rest of the concert went well.

Then, they were about to end with Gotta Be You. Before they started to sing, Harry stepped to the mic. "Before we start, I just want to say, I was being real cruel to a friend that I really like" he began.

His eyes crossed over to me, and some people noticed. I sunk low into my chair. "And I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry Emma" he said into the mic.

Jenny and Megan looked at me, and so did people who were close enough.

"I just want you to know that I really really, REALLY like you. A lot. You're beautiful inside and out, and I love everything about you. I hope you can find it in your heart to take my word. Maybe singing this will change your mind" he finished.

The stadium rang with a bunch of awes. Liam and Zayn looked ticked off, but Louis and Niall patted him on the back. The track played, and once it came to Harry, he came close to us, then held out his hand to me grabbing mine, than kissed it. Some girls rolled their eyes, but many actually oohed, including Megan, but Jenny stayed quiet as a mouse. I giggled and covered my mouth with my other hand while he still held my other one. Once the song ended, he leaned down and hugged me. It was the best day ever....

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