chap 14. Interview

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Liam's POV-

 Ot was house trying to talk to Emma. She's furious with me at the moment. I just wish I could explain why I do what I do. I just don't wanna see her end up hurt. Harry can be...predictable. If he breaks her heart,but WON'T be pretty...1D had a ln interview, so we all headed down to the location.

I saw Megan on her phone, and when I tried to give her a kiss, she turned away.

 "What do you do to her?" She said on a low voice.

 "I just don't think it's right, their relationship and all" I responded. 

Megan sighed and rubbed my cheek. "You REALLY hurt her Liam. Really. It's not your decision about who she dates". 

Just perfect. "I'll try" I sighed.

 Megan smiled and kissed me. "There, you earned it", she winked.

 The studio building was surrounded with screaming fans. Our bodyguards covered us as we entered. Megan locked arms with me to show other girls that I was taken. She seemed to ignore the glares.

As soon as we got inside, we were greeted by a bouncy,hyper Perrie.

Emma's POV- 

I decided to tell Harry everything that happened after his interview. So there'd be no drama. We walked hand in hand in the studio, and Perrie ran past us to Zayn. She licked her arms around his neck and kissed him. I tried not to pretend to notice, but it was hard, and I fought back tears.

 Zayn looked as though he didn't want to kiss her, but he did.

 "Seriously? Right now?" Jaime gagged. Perrie shot her a icy glare and Jaime didn't hesitate to return one back.

 "Like you and Louis don't kiss in public to!" She snapped.

"Yeah, so?! At least we don't snog so much it looks like we're eating each other! Get a damn room" , she shot back.

 Louis got in between the quarreling girls and held Jaime close. "Okay, ladies, that's enough", he interfered. "Dieu je ne paux pas supporter cette fille!" Jaime hissed in French.

(She said God I can't stand that girl). Perrie, rolling her eyes looked at me and Harry and smiled. 

"Aww, and Speaking of boyfriends, I almost forgot that you and shorty were a couple! Aren't they a cute couple babe?", she then  said to Zayn. I knew Zayn didn't want to answer that question.

 "Yeah. Could you excuse me real quick" he said sadly. He took one more glance at me and walked off. Harry pulled me close and kissed my cheek, making Liam red. After thirty minutes, it was interview time with Alan Carr. He's really funny, and disgusting to. We all watched from the audience.

The interview was going great. Alan was asking awkward questions, as always, but other than that, really good. When Alan got to asking them about relationships, previous crushes, etc, I saw Zayn squirm a little.

 "Well, we are all taken at the moment", Niall spoke up for them. He smiled at Valencia who blushed. 

"Really? Is that so?", Alan asked in disbelief. 

"It's true! My beautiful girlfriend is here with me today", Louis said nodding towards Jaime.

 "Ooh!" Megan teased nudging her from behind. Jaime blushed and blew him a kiss.

 "Same here, my girlfriend Megan", Liam said next, then blushed. 

"Ooh!", Jaime teased back. This time it was Megan's turn to blush.

 "And MY beautiful girlfriend just so happens to he here as we'll. My love", Harry said winking at me. This time, the girls all oohed at me and poking me. Alan noticed Zayn didn't respond.

 "And what about you, Zayn? Don't you have a girlfriend?" He pried. Zayn cleared his throat. "Uh, yes. My lovely girlfriend Perrie just so happens to be here to" he finally said.

"Perrie Edwards from The Mix?! Lucky boy" Alan exclaimed.

 Jaime snickered. "Plus comme pauvre garçon" she snickered. (More like poor boy). I couldn't help but giggle to. After the questions, stories, blah,.

 They ended with LWWY, and What Makes You Beautiful. And it was finally over. Backstage, The girls went up their boyfriends, and I do to. 

Harry greeted me with a sweaty hug, and a long kiss. "Eww, you're all sweaty!" I laughed. Harry smiled and wiped his sweat.

 "The power of hard work!, Louis commented with a laugh. Perrie brushed past me and cuddled up to Zayn. 

"GREAT job babe! I'm so proud!" She applauded then kidding him. I hate seeing them kiss, but once Harry pulled me in for another, I almost forgot about them...

Twisted Love (cover by _Gabbs_)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu