chap 15. Forgive me?

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Zayn's POV- 

That say at the interview, I went in my dressing room to cry every once in a while. It hurt me in my heart every time I saw Harry kiss what was once MY girlfriend. Perrie a, fine girl and all but I truly have something with Emma. If I can't get her back, I'll at least try...or at least get her to forgive me. 

While our stylist Lydia was helping me with my hair, I knew I had to ask for advice. "Lydia, can I ask you something? Advice on girls?",

Lydia grinned at me and went through her clipboard. "Who is she?", she asked scrolling through her list. 

 "Uhh, Perrie of course", I lied. Lydia rose a brow and sighed. 

 "No, I mean the girl you've obviously been thinking about," she replied. 

 "How'd you know?" I asked in disbelief.

 Lydia smiled and chuckled. "Oh Zayn, I'm a girl myself! And I know whenever a guy is constantly dreaming. Who is she? I know it's not Perrie".

 "She's very special to me, and I made a huge mistake that destroyed our relationship. Now, she can't even look me in the eye.." I explained. 

Lydia was focusing on me. "Why is that? What was the mistake?" 

She asked getting interested. "We'll, I might've cheated," I admitted slowly.

 Lydia looked shocked. "Zayn! That's nothing like you!"

 "I know I know!", I sighed. "And I'm guessing that the girl you cheated on her was Perrie?" She guesses.

 I nodded. "Do you even like her dear?" She asked. I shook my head. Lydia sighed and patted my shoulder.

 "Do ya mind telling me who thus special girl is?" She ashes gently. I stayed quiet, hoping she'd change her mind. She didnt. "Let me guess, brunette, hazel eyes, rhymes with "Gemma?" ", she asked.

 I looked up. "How'd you know?" I asked. Lydia smiled. "I see the way you look at her dear,vice noticed" she winked getting up. I blushed a little.

 "Zayn, you might not be able to earn her back, especially now that she's with Harry, your best mate, her boyfriend. But you can always tell her how you feel so you can at least be forgiven", she suggested.


"Go to her! Just do what you can!  just say out your feelings to her.. tell her who she is in your life,show her how special and important she is to you.. if you really love her, you would always let her know how much you love her.. don't keep your love for her hidden.. show it.. show it Zayn!!! And if doesn't work, I'll talk to her". 

"Thank you Lydia" I smiled getting up.

Emma's POV-

 every night, I go up to the roof to read under the moonlight. It's so peaceful and relaxing. I was reading Romeo and Juliet. Such a romantic story. I heard someone coming up the roof, and I was hoping it was Harry. But to surprise,but was Zayn. I was about to get up to leave but he stopped me. 

"Please, just let me speak! Please?" He asked.

 I sighed. "You've got five minutes. I'm listening" I said folding my arms.

Zayn sighed. "I know,that I broke your heart, and I feel awful! I see you in my dreams, I get so irritated to know that you are not mine because of what i did!!! i know that its not worth asking for forgiveness. and i be a jerk all the time and yet you keep your calm, i am just stupid to let you go....I wasn't able to sleep, eat ,nothing after you broke up with me. I hated myself for what I did to you..", he began.

 I stated quiet. "I can't live with myself, knowing you hate me...if its possible, can we just be friends, and not enemies? I really REALLY care about you.."

 He continued. Zayn's eyes started to well up. "I know, you hate me, b-but" he stammered.

 I couldn't help but feel myself start to cry too. He was being serious. "Just please, I, I j-just want you to-" I broke him off by hugging him. 

He was quiet then wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me back. I had mine around his neck and cried.

 "Will you please forgive me, Emma?" He finally said still hugging me. I nodded and he wiped my tears. "I l-" but he cut off when Jenny came up. 

"Dinners ready, and Zayn, Perrie's on the phone". Zayn saw my expression. 

"I have to take that real quick" he said apologetically. I nodded and he left. Jenny kept giving me the look, but I ignored that and went back inside.

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