chap 16. threats. threats and yeah MORE threats

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Louis's POV-

Everyday, I used to think to myself, I would never find love after Ellie. But once I met Jaime while we were in France, everything changed. She's been acting awfully strange lately. Possibly because I put her on the spot when I told everyone she was my girlfriend on live telivision but hey, I said her name, I never said who she looked like.

I went to check on her because she never left her room. I knocked on the door, and there was no answer. I knocked again and called her name. Still no answer.

I was about to walk away when the door creaked open, and Jaime's green eyes popped out. "Yes?" She quivered.

I could tell right away that she had been crying. I pulled her close to me and hugged while she gently sobbed..

"What's the matter?", I gently asked stroking her black, frizzy, curly hair. She didnt respond. Her laptop pinged and her eyes froze in horror.

"What's that?"I asked going to her laptop. Jaime headed over and slammed the lid down. "Just research.."

She lied. I gave her the serious look and she sighed. "Louis, I think everyone may know who I am.." She finally said.

"What do you mean?"

Jaime started to sob.

"They HATE me! They truly HATE me!" She said in between sobs. For a minute, I had no idea to whom she was referring to, until I saw the screen.

Death threats from angry, jealous Directioners. Some stuff said, GO DIE IN A DITCH Hog! Another days, back off MY man you day, ugly, whore. Just reading it made my heart crack. Jaime played with her hair and cried. She was very hurt.

"Oh, Jaime" I sighed pulling her into a hug.

Niall's POV-

Valencia took her martini from my hand and kissed me.

"Thanks, love" she grinned.

We were out in the back by the pool, just enjoying ourselves. I took my phone, wrapped my arms around her neck from behind and snapped a picture of us.

Valencia tried to cover her face and groaned. "Ugh, I HATE the way my pictures look" she complained.

"Why is that? You look beautiful", I winked. Valencia blushed and rolled her eyre.

"Since when was having reddish brown hair and freckles beautiful?" She contemplated.

Leaning diehard, I brushed a strand if her hair from her face, and lifted her chin. "Hey, you are beautiful inside and out. No matter what you think, you are beautiful".

Valencia blushed, kissed me, and logged on Twitter. "Guess who got more followers?" She says on a dingy voice.

She showed me her page and I nodded.

"214,000 already? Nice!" I complimented giving her a high five.

Valencia's eyes widened end. "Omigod....look who ELSE followed me!" She said pointing to the screen. Demi Lovayo My heart flip flops. Demi and I use to have a thing.

I think she still likes me. Before I could speak, Valencia gasped.

"That b***"> Look what she said!" She screeched.

I read the screen. Threats. All from Demi. Telling Valencia to stay away from me and everything. I didn't think things would go this far.....

Liam's POV-

I took Megan out to Starbucks late afternoon. We walked hand in hand inside, people gasping and girls squealing. Of course we had bodyguards. Some girls gave Megan very hard glares, and some whispered and pointed. Megan noticed but tried to act like she didnt.

"Watcha want babe? I'm buying", I offered taking out my wallet.

Megan peered through her dark sunglasses at the menu and preferred a regular mocha and a scone. Megan played with her blonde hair, squirming at the uncomfortable glares and whispers. Some people, jealous and not took pictures. I know this was hard for Megan.

"Why do these girls keep staring at us, preferably me?" She whispered.

"That's the perks of being Liam Payne's girlfriend" I shrugged.

Megan rolled her eyes. "Oh I know that! But do they have to STARE so hard like their going to stab me?" She said loud enough for some to hear.

One girl snickered and put her hands on her hips. "We should!" She hissed. Her friends laughed.

Megan slammed her coffee down so hard, done cane out. "Is that so?!" She snapped back.

I put my hand on her shoulder and calmed her down. That didnt stop the girl.

"How FAKE can she get?" One giggled.

"I bet she doesn't like him" another said.

Megan had enough. "Do you REALLY wanna go there?" She growled standing up.

The brunette smirked and brushed past her to me. "Oh Liam, you wouldn't want a girl like her! So much anger!" The girl said then stroking my arm.

That made Megan very angry. "Hands OFF! He's mine!" She snapped.

The girl scoffed. "Oh yeah? What are YOU gonna do about it?" She says shoving her. Then things got ugly...

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