chap 2. Back in London

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 It’s been a few months now since I left London. Now, today is the day I’m returning. I felt I was ready to come back after a break away. In other words…yeah, my Aunt basically kicked me out. She can’t stand teenagers. Apparently, she can’t deal with my, what she calls, “long and pointless conversations on the my mobile (phone) and watching the telly to much and having my radio on to loud”. The point is, she can’t put up with me much longer, and I can’t put up with HER any longer as well. She’s such a bitter old woman, and I hate her with a burning passion.

The plane landed at the London Airport around 6 a.m. Liam would have Paul come pick me up around 7:30. While I waited, I bought coffee in the Airport’s Starbucks and thought of what would happen once I would come face to face with Zayn again. He was practically begging me not to leave that day I left. Would he try to pull it off again? I just tried to get him off of my mind when Paul texted me saying her was here. I tried not to be noticable because people already know I’m Liam Payne’s cousin.

Paul greeted me once I got inside the van. “Morning sleepy head” he winked starting the ignition. Paul could be cranky at times, but on some points, he was really sweet.

We drove back to the Direction Crib (as they call it), and Paul helped me carry my bags back inside. The house didn’t look very different. It was hot inside, that was for sure, and since I was wearing my all girly pants with blue and yellow flowers that lead to my belly button.where i had black tube worn so that my transparent white top would tightly hug my wasit giving it more poise! It didnt feel any better though.

Paul told me everyone was still sleeping, but when I stepped foot into the basement, the funnest part of the house, everyone almost startled me jumping out yelling,


Everyone was here! Liam, Niall, Harry, Louis, even Zayn! All of there crew was there to including my friends! Megan, Valencia, Jenny, and Jaime. They squealed and attacked me with a big hug that literally knocked us down and had the boys laughing.


Megan squealed giving me an extra hug. Valencia rolled her eyes.

“Do you have to be soooo loud Megs?” Megan stuck her tongue out at her comment and squeezed me tighter.

Louis cleared his throat, and pushed aside Jaime and Valencia, then shoved Megan aside into Jenny.

"I believe her REAL best friend missed her the most he said giving me a bear hug. Megan rolled her eyes and scoffed, and Jenny just giggled. Niall skidded over and said,

“AWWWW, I FEEL A FAMILY HUG COMING ALONG!” he said joining in. The two of them squeezed me tight while I just laughed trying to break free.

“That’s quite enough you guys! She missed me the most obviously” Harry winked. Everyone groaned and Harry was a little shocked.


“Just, please, stop Harry” Jaime chuckled shaking her head.

Paul came downstairs with food, and well pretty much helped ourselves. There was even a Welcome Back cake. I didn’t know everyone would miss me THIS much! I noticed Zayn was being quiet almost the entire time. Every time I glanced over at him, he looked away quickly. Paul played Live While We’re Young on the stereo and everyone was acting crazy.

While I went over to the table of food to get another helping of flapjacks, I reached for the tongs to get it, and another hand collided on mine at the exact same time for it. Zayn. I pulled away quickly and so did he.

“Sorry” I mumbled. He didn’t bother to look at me and mumbled,

“Take it”, then walked away. My heart raced a little, because Jaime saw everything from like two feet away. She took a glance from me, to him, and back at me. I tried not to meet her curious stares and stayed quiet.

Harry and Louis noticed Zayn’s silence and tried to encourage him to dance, even knowing he isn’t a big fan of it.

“Come on mate! Let loose! Have some fun!” Louis said trying to get him off the expensive leather couch.

“Yeaaaa! Don’t be such a sour puss Zayn!” Harry pleaded going for his other arm.

“Awww, c’mon, you know ya wanna Zayn!”,  Megan added dancing with Niall and Jenny.

Liam walked over and gave him a plate with bangers (sausage) Flapjacks, and eggs.

“At least eat something mate”, he urged. Zayn just shoved the plate away.

“I’m not all that hungry”, he mumbled.

Jaime was still observing us both and I tried to ignore it. Everyone was still trying to get a very bummed out Zayn to at least crack a smile. The boys did stupid stuff to make him laugh. It made everyone laugh, except Zayn. Obviously, Zayn was miserable. So was I…and now, I have a feeling Jaime is on to something…..

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