chap 4. getting to know harry!

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Emma’s POV-

Jaime really is a good friend. I’m lucky to even call her my best friend. She even took it in consideration to take me and the girls out for a G.N.O. (Girls Night Out). I wore the most AMAZING dress ever! which was a pink ruffled dress whitch hugged my small waist with black fluffy tie. I wore high hot pink heels to give some hight! It was great, and I felt a little better. Especially since I told Jaime. She even promised she wouldn’t tell anyone else, especially Liam, which I’m grateful for! After the amazing night out in London, Jaime dropped me off, and I walked in, trying to not be to loud. It was hard to do that since my heels made sounds against the floor. I snuck in the kitchen to get a midnight snack before I went to bed. It was dark, and the only light I had was from the fridge when I opened it. I saw a shadow and nearly screamed, and the shadow bumped against me, spilling something cold and creamy on me. The lights went on, and I was relieved to see it was just Harry.

But I wasn’t happy when I found out the slimy stuff was ice cream. Harry looked really guilty and grabbed paper towels.

“I am, SO sorry Emma” he stammered.

“No no, it’s alright. It’s gonna be a nasty stain, but, no biggie I guess” I responded still upset.

Harry could tell I was lying. “No” he said shaking his hair from his face. “I fell terrible, here, come with me”. I just shrugged and followed him.

He took me into the laundry room. “My mum was ALWAYS on my case about my dirty laundry and the stains I got on it. So, she showed me how to get the real nasty stains out. Take your dress off” he said. I blushed a little.

“Ummm” Harry, realzing what he just said blushed with embarressment.

“Sorry” he blushed. He rummaged through a laundry basket and handed me a spongebob t-shirt, his Hollister hoodie, and his basketball shorts.

“Hows this?” he asked.

I grinned" It’s fine, thanks", I replied going in to the closet to change. I gave Harry the stained dress and he had a bunch of ingredients that I never imagined people would even use for laundry!

He poured it on the dress, soaked it in water, and put in the dryer for a while. It only took about twenty-five minutes, and once he took it out, it was if the stain was never there! I hugged Harry really tight.

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK” I squealed. Harry laughed his dreamy laugh and hugged me back.

“No problem” he winked. His eyes were just making me melt inside. So deep, and green like emerald! Wait, what did I just- Never mind.

I examined the dress, still surprised of how clean it looked. “But Harry, how?” I asked.

Harry flipped his hair away from his eyes.

“A secret recipe from my mum and Grandmother, but I’d be happy to share it with you sometime” he replied turning the washing machine off.

“Ya know, there’s a lot of things about you that I didn’t know about Harry” I finally said after silence. He smiled." There’s a lot of things ya don’t know about me"

“Well, I’d like to know” I smiled.

Harry returned the smile. “Really?” he asked. I nodded.

“Yes! Tell ya what! I, tell you more about me, even more than Liam knows, and you can tell me everything about you”. Harry thought for a moment.

“You mean, right now?”

“Why not?”

“In the laundry room?” he chuckled. I rolled my arms.

“No, of course not! How bout my room? We can just hang out. I’m not even tired now that you think of it”. Harry thought on it some more until he finally agreed.

So for the rest of the night, we hung out in my room, watched t.v., listened to music, and pretty much talked. He’s actually a very sweet, considerate, and charming boy and I think he;s very attractive.

I see why so many girls fancy him. I told him a lot about me to. How I’m an only child, my parents are both busy all the time and I feel like they don’t even want me. I got emotional after that, and Harry took the time to actually hug me! He smelled really good

He talked bout his life wasn’t always the life of the party either. How his parents divorced when he was so young. He had a hard time accepting it as he got older, but he says he loves his step-dad and his biological one to. Some of the stuff we shared was personal, emotional, and funny. Sometimes, we has to be careful with our laughter or we’d wake someone.

I forgot that Zayn was down the hall, and the feeling made me icky inside. Here I am, in my bedroom with a boy at 2:00 in the morning, who happens to be the friend of my ex boyfriend that’s JUST down the hall. But who cares? All that matters is that I’m here with Harry…who I think I just might have fancied….

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