chap 21.Pain, Misery and Flashbacks...

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   I cried in my cabin almost for two hours. Megan opened the door, and hugged me. She told me that Jaime has cussed out Harry in front of everyone and they both "handled" the blond chick. I smiled thinking of what great friends I have. They're always there to protect me. Megan helped me get cleaned up. I washed off my ruined mascara, wiped off my lipstick, and changed into some comfortable PJ's.  

 Jaime came in an hour later, carrying a pizza box, and with Valencia behind her with the Wii. "Alrighty! I know just the way to cheer your spirits up!", Jaime announced setting the pizza down. 

"I've got Just Dance 4! We even rented a few funny films!", Valencia added.

"Yay! I LOVE Just Dance 4! Plug it on up!", Megan squealed.

Valencia hugged me. "Feeling okay?", she asked. I nodded and hugged her back.

"Wait, where's Jenny?"

Jaime rolled her eyes. "She got a hangover at the party, it was WILD!", Jaime explained opening the pizza box.


Valencia nodded. "We didn't think it was so bad until she started dancing on a table", she added.

"She's in the cabin resting right now! So let's get out party on!", Jaime declared.

The night went great! Playing Just Dance 4 was even better! During Beauty and A Beat, we all sang and danced at the same time. We're Bieber Crazed. We danced to WMYB and dang along to, while in laugh attacks.

For the most part, we were all up to midnight. We were all asleep, until someone knocked on the door. Who would come here at this time? I sleepily got up and answered the door. To my surprise,bit was Zayn. He looked tired himself. I shut the door behind me. "What are you doing here?", I whispered.

He took my hand. "Come with me, I wanna show you something!", he whispered.

Before I could protest, I was already following him to whoever we were going. We came up to the top of the deck and through some secret tunnel I have never seen. We climbed a bunch of stairs, and it was very dark. A door opened and there was a shimmery light. Inside is what surprised me. Beautiful art work.

Someone painted on the secret deck floor and wall. It was of a girl. She had long, dark hair, sparky eyes, and a pretty smile. That was until I realized, that girl was me.

"You did this?" I asked in astonishment. Zayn nodded.

"I found this empty secret hide our, and thought this was the perfect place to paint. Like a huge canvas", he explained. It was so good an looked realistic. Zayn has always been a great artist. This was his best work yet. He went through his pictures in his phone and showed me a sketch version if the exact painting.

"When did you create the idea", I asked still admiring the painting and sketch. Zayn was quiet for a minute.

"We'll, I was sorta planning on giving it to you when we were still.." He continued. Oh...I guess he was going to give it to me before we split.

"I love it! It's so beautiful and creative! Thank you", I finally said then hugged him.

We were quiet for a while, then decided to head back to the cabins. The entire night, I kept imagining the painting again. Is there a possibility Zayn might actually still have feelings for me? Did I feel the same way? I tried to sleep on it, but then I wound up having a quick flashback....

Zayn and I were painting outside. Just joking around, having a good time. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hot closer, just inches from my face. I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead, he put paint on my cheek and nose. He stood back laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so you think your funny?", I laughed. Z

ayn nodded. "I actually think you look good in green" he winked.

I grabbed a bucket of print and splattered it on his perfectly good white shirt. It was my turn to laugh. Zayn dipped his hands in a big bucket of red paint. I screamed and ran across his carbon circles while he chased me. He got a hold of my waist and got more paint on me. After a while,we stopped and took the time to wash his car.

I picked up the hose, snuck up behind him, and said, "Hey Zayn! Missed a spot!".

He turned around and I sprayed him dead in the face. I laughed as I watched him suffer. He managed to rub by, pick me up and swing me around. I laughed hitting his back. He then lay me on the grass and then kissed me... It was one of the best memories yet...

"Emma!!!!!! Wake the hell up!", someone screamed in my ear.

Megan kept shaking me. "Get your lazy *** up! It's breakfast time!", she urged. Megan should know me by now that I'm not a morning person. I pulled the covers over my head my head and mumbled,

"Go away!" Megan muttered and left the cabin.

Five minutes later, I felt fold hands touch my shoulder. "Emma, get up". It was Liam. I ignored him and pulled the covers over my head some more.

"Don't make me get the water bucket", he warned.

I shot out if bed real quick and he laughed. "I'm up I'm up!" I mumbled.

Everyone was enjoying themselves to waffles, bangers, orange juice, and yes, even watching Spongebob. Harry and Niall laughed so hard, they almost choked. Once Harry caught my eye, he tried to speak, but I ignored him and grabbed a plate. That didnt stop him.

He set by me and sighed. "Can we please talk about this Em?", he begged.

"We have NOTHING to talk about!", I snapped.

"You saw that girl kiss me!", he reminded me.

"Yeah, and what I also saw was you not letting go! You were dancing with her and those three other ho3s", I shot back.

Harry sighed. "Well, you were dancing with Zayn.." He said sourly.

"For the last and final time Harry! We're just friends! What about that can't you understand?!", I asked frustrated.

Harry shook his head. "There just has to be something you're keeping from me!" He said in a low voice.

I've had enough. "Please Harry! I DON'T want to argue! Can we just forget this ever happened?" I sighed.

Harry grinned. "That's exactly what I've been trying to do!" He agreed. He pulled me into his arms hugging me very tight.

"Awwww that's what I'd like to see!", Louis teased holding Jaime tight. I smiled at his comment, but my smile faded once I caught sight of Zayn watching us. He. Didnt. Look. So. Happy.....

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