chap 22. Hating You

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Emma's POV

"No...WAY!", I protested.

Liam sighed and followed me I to my cabin. "Why not?" He begged.

"I am NOT sharing a room with that extension wearing, clown face, diva!" I argued.

"Perrie's only gonna be here until we board in the Bahamas! Just give her a chance!", Lian insisted.

"No way, not happening", I refused shaking my head.

"What do you have against her? I thought you two were friends?", he asked.

I rolledy eyes. "Not anymore! Perrie's a witch! And something else that rhymes with that! She acts so sweet and nice, but behind that blond hair and sparkly make-up, she's nothing but a Barbie and I HATE her!"

Liam looked shocked once I said what I had said. "I know, she can seem bossy at points, but she's actually nice and makes Zayn happy", Liam explained calmly.

"It's so obvious that he's not into her! I wouldn't be if I was a dude!", I went on.

"We have no other room, just let her bunk with you guys.." He begged.

I was afraid I had no choice. "Fine!" I sighed.

Liam hugged me. "Thanks cousin, and hey,we're still gonna talk"


"What the F**k?", Megan shrieked after I told them.

"I'm am NOT sharing a room with that snotty b!tch", Jaime complained.

"We have no choice!", I moaned. Before Megan could protest again, someone knocked on the door. Megan answered it and it was none other than Perrie.

"Megan", Perrie sneered.

"Ugh, eww!" She says then slamming the door in her face.

"Meg's..." I began, regretting it.

Megan rolled her eyes and opened the door. "Come on in, Perrie", she sneered.

Perrie shoved past and dropped her suitcase down. "Hmmm, what bed shall I take?" she said aloud. She pontes to mine. "That one!" She finally said.

"Umm, I don't think so!" I argued.

"Why not? We can always bunk?" She fake smiled.

" I'd rather stick needles through my skin then bunk with you" I snapped.

Perrie flashed me a glare. " Oh, that's fine...I could always go and bunk with Zayn"....she began. She put one hand in her hip. "If ya liked that?" She smirked raising a brow

"You can bunk with me", Jaime said rescuing me. Perrie flashed a glare. Jaime folded her arms. "If ya liked that?", she copy fatted. Perrie groaned, and stomped off.

"Thanks Jaime"

Megan looked between us. "An I missing something here? What gives? Why didn't you just let the troll go with Zayn?'!" Megan demanded to know. I sighed.

"I think she's ready to know, Jaime.."


Aaand drum rolls.. how did you like that? cliff hanger huh? so how would Megan react to that? Keep holding on to your horses ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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