Darwin walked in.

"Tori and Bryan are in the parking lot," Darwin said.

"Be back at eleven," Dad said to me. I rolled my eyes and followed Darwin outside.

At the edge of the parking lot, a cherry red Camaro with white racing stripes roared its engine.

Bryan was behind the steering wheel, in a red shirt and blazer. Tori dawned a black dress and had her hair down.

"Hey guys," Tori said. "You look snazzy."

"Why, thank you," Darwin said smoothly before bowing.

"You look good too, Norman."

"Thanks," I smiled. "You don't look too bad, yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, you all look great, can we go now, please?" Said Bryan.

Darwin got in behind Bryan and I got in behind Tori. The engine roared louder and Bryan sped down Georgia Way.

The windows were open and wind blew our hair about, as the bright and colorful streaks of light from the passing buildings flashed by, our skin chilling from the spring air.

"So, where is Kimberly Anderson's place anyways?" I shouted over the roar of the wind.

"Queens," Bryan shouted back.

"Not far from my place," Tori spoke.

"So, Tori," Darwin shouted into Tori's ear. "Will Kimberly be there?"

"It's her party, Darwin." Tori turned to me. "Norman, my friend Kathrine will be there. I think you two would really hit it off."

"I don't know..."

"She's right, man," Darwin countered. "You've been single for too long, my friend."

"You've been single for a while."

"That's different, my women-hibernation is by choice."

"Whatever." The car suddenly slowed.

"Woah," Tori gasped.

To our right, the El Paso restaurant was surrounded by police cars with sirens on full blast, a crowd of police officers and well dressed men, and a web of yellow duct tape.

"What do you think happened?" Darwin asked.

"I have no idea," I replied.

I turned my head to see Bryan's expression harden. His eyes narrowed in contempt.

"Bryan?" Tori asked. "Are you okay?" It took a moment for his dull answer.

"I'm fine."

"The light's green, man," Darwin said. The car slowly rolled forward and down West Avenue.


I've never been to an actual 'party' before. Unless you count the Halloween party every year. So I didn't really know what to expect. Kimberly Anderson's house was pretty much what I expected though.

The tall suburban house reminded me of something out of one of those horror films, where the sex-crazed teenagers are hunted.

"Do I smell good?" Darwin asked.

"Yes, Darwin," I sighed. "You smell fine."

"I'm so nervous," Tori said as we approached the door. "I've never been to a party like this before."

"I've never been to a party before," I spoke.

The door immediately opened as we approached and we were met with a rush of music and lights. A pretty blonde girl, with blue eyes was on the other side of the door.

"Bryan!" She exclaimed. "Hi!"

I didn't need to be introduced. I already knew she was Kimberly Anderson.

Kimberly's eyes focused on the rest of us, and her smile wavered when she saw Tori.

"Who's this?" Kimberly asked, not as politely as before.

"I'm Tori," Tori introduced with a smile.

"She's my girlfriend," Bryan said. Kimberly only looked more distressed, but quickly replaced it with The Look.

Fake smile, check.

Dead eyes, check-a-roo.

Kimberly was almost as good at it as I was, and that's saying something.

"Well," she said, eyeing Tori. "I guess beauty isn't everything." A pained expression came across Tori's face and anger burned in my stomach.

"As opposed to a spoiled rich brat?" Tori smiled and a shocked expression plastered Kimberly's face.

Tori still smiled - which made my chest feel tingly - like an idiot and stared at the ground. My face felt warm when I realized Darwin, Bryan, and Kimberly were all looking at me.

Kimberly backed away from the door and walked off to a group of football players and cheerleaders.

"Dude!" Darwin wheezed. "That was awesome."

"It wasn't any..."

Tori's soft lips suddenly pecked my cheek. I smirked as my heart rammed itself against my rib cage, threatening to break free. My legs turned to jelly and for a moment it felt like I was floating.

In the corner of my eye I saw Bryan flinch, when Tori kissed me. (Tori kissed me! Awesome.) Bryan quickly covered it with a smile.

"That was kick-ass, Norman," he said.

"Tap it," Darwin said, holding out his fist.

I bumped it with my own and we walked to the dining room.

Average Joe (2018)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن