Chapter 21: Alex surprise for Clara-belle and their dinner date tonight.

Start from the beginning

Which that's what she went and did, Alex closet only holds the finest quality brands there was a lot of Marc Jacobs suits and also a  lot of Howard Taylor suits and there was also a lot of Kenneth Cole suits
Armani suits  too, so Clara-belle choose  a black Kenneth Cole suit which she lay on the bed for him he was taking his shower now so he was bound to see it on the bed Clara-belle exited the bedroom with her new Note 8 phone 
and her red clutch purse and soon she was downstairs in the dining room waiting for Alex.

After ten minutes and Alex was now ready to go too she and Alex left through the door of the mansion and right in front of them after coming down the steps of the porch there was a white Hummer at the huge silver gates waiting for both of them already.

"Ladies, first my dear, "  Alex told Clara-belle as he gesture to the Hummer door which his chauffeur open for them.

"Omg!" Alex, you are full of surprises and I don't know what I'm going to do with all these surprises if you keep giving me all these surprises but to be honest I love your surprises darling."

After they both took a seat and the Hummer door close it sped off to their destination.

"Well,  Clara,  you are looking stunning tonight I have to admit."

Alex compliment Clara-belle.

"Thank you very much, my darling, you are looking pretty hot yourself my love. "

Clara reply as she returned the compliments.

Fifteen MINUTES later.

After fifteen minutes they arrive at the destination which was a splendid Restaurant and Buffet style, of course, it was definitely a new one the restaurant is one Clara-belle has never seen before so she knew it was a new restaurant in the City.

Soon after and the Hummer was in the car park and the Chauffeur opens the door for Alex and; he got out of the Hummer and went to Clara door and open it for her and she got out soon after and both Alex and  Clara-belle link arms with each other and walk out of the car park.

The restaurant was called Valentino's spicy Italian Buffet-style Restaurant.
As Clara-belle and Alex step inside the Restaurant.
"Good night, reservations for two, and the name are Montoya?."

Alex greets the usher at the doors as he asks for his reservations.

The usher returns the greeting as he searches for Alex's reservations on the system and after finding it.
"Here are your reservations Mr. Montoya," follow me and welcome to Valentino's Spicy Italian buffet- Style Restaurant."

He welcomes Alex and Clara as he arrives at their table with them.

  Clara-belle and Alex take their seats at their table soon after a waiter arrives at the table to take their orders for their drinks.

"Good night," are you ready to order your drinks?."   The waiter asks holding his small notepad and pen.

"Yes," we are ready to order our drinks, "  Alex responds as he gives the waiter his order which was one Greygoose cocktail with lemon zest."

"What will you have young lady?."  The waiter asks Clara.

"I  will  have  one fruit punch on the rocks please."

Clara-belle order and the waiter wrote down both their orders in his small notepad and left.

Soon after, the waiter was back at Clara and Alex's table with both their drinks.

"Here you are, your Greygoose cocktail with lemon zest  and you, young lady your fruit punch on the rocks."

While Clara and Alex enjoy their drinks they were also having a very nice conversation  Alex decided that he might as well just tell Clara-belle about the new mansion that he bought for the family including Megan too but that mansion was in Paris though so Clara, Megan and him would have to move city to live in the mansion as a big happy family but he doubt Megan would like the idea though so he told Clara everything and she thought what he was doing for she and Megan to be a big happy family with him in Paris was sweet but then again she knew Megan wouldn't like the idea though but she will still have to tell her about it anyway, then Clara remember about her pregnancy tests results this morning and so she smiles.

"Alex, I bet you won't believe this  but I am pregnant I found out this morning darling."

Clara-belle told him while holding his huge but gentle hands in hers across the table.

"OMG!" Clara, so I'm finally gonna be a father, " I love you so much sweetheart let's go I don't feel like eating here again tonight let's go  to our usual restaurant  and celebrate the good news there darling."

Alex told Clara very happy so they both got up and Alex took care of the check for the drinks and soon they were back in the Hummer and this time they were off to their usual restaurant to celebrate the good news...





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