Eat your food

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Caroline Jones checked her watch for the umpteenth time, whoa it seems Edward was beginning to have lot and lots of works to do in the office, and her stomach had been growling since 10 pm, it is almost 2:30am, and she is beginning to feel terrible pains in her stomach, she knew she had to eat, before the pains got worse, but her husband is not yet home and being a wife, she believed she had no right to food right now.

She picked her phone again, trying to dial her husband's number, the pain began to roll in, she closed her eyes, she knew she was not doing her stomach Justice, considering the fact that she had ulcer.

Opening her eyes, she forced herself to dial the number, but instead, the number went into voicemail.
She clenched and unclenched her hands, this damn Nigerian network again. The pain was coming in waves now, as if it was angrily chastising her for taking the risk, and inviting it over, well, it was here now and it surely was going to deal with her.

She stumbled over to the dining hall which was connected to the sitting room by a large entrance with a beautiful multi coloured curtain and little red roses imprinted on it to give it a more feminine hue.

She opened the warmer and dished a little food into a small soup plate.
She was about lifting the first morsel of pounded yam into her mouth when the door bell rang.

She jumped to her feet and made for the door. Swinging it open for her dear husband, she fell into his arms.

'Oh Edward, I was so worried'she said hugging him even tighter.

Edward shifted on his feet, 'well, will you let me in? I am tired and I need rest' he said practically trying to get her away from him as fast as he could, before she had time to perceive the perfume.

Caroline released him, feeling selfish, she knew he was tired, but she had been too relieved to find him in one piece, than to care.'I am sorry my love'. She said stepping away from him and allowing him to enter into the house fully. She collected his suit case and shut the door after him.

'So why were you late? I mean, this is...' she glanced at the wall clock and continued, 'This is 2:58am and you are just coming back from work'. 'Or you have been given off and intend to finish some work before you....'.

'Well, you are beginning to nag, do I need to explain myself to you? Or is it because the house belongs to you, that you think you can just bombard me with irrelevant questions?' Edward cut her short.

'Now, now, if you put it that way,No, Edward No, this house was built in you name, remember? But you had me worried, you couldn't even call me or pick my calls, so if I ask just this question at least, I am your wife and I deserve to know'.

Edward looked at her from where he was now sitting, on the couch.'My wife''hmm' he nodded his head , 'well then' he turned his head to the left, to a door which led to a room, they had both decided was going to be used as their children's nursery. 'I believe a wife is supposed to give her husband children', he continued,'but then...' he stood up from the couch and pointed accusing fingers at her,'you made me believe and know that we are two men living in this house, under this roof'.

Caroline, who was already pale became blanch, thanks to her almost white skin.
'Edward...' she began but he cut her short with a wave of his left hand, and then, just then, she perceived the perfume and froze into place.

'Edward....,so while I had stayed here worried for your safety and hungry, you had been with another woman?'

Caroline felt terrible goose bumps appear on her face, 'I work 314 days to support you, and because, i simply am not God that gives children, you went with another woman? And you come to tell me that i am a man?' She enquired.

'Well then, what can I liken you to?, you are simply barren, and if I wasn't the one who took your virginity, I would have said maybe you have no womb'.

He concluded and stormed out of the sitting room, Caroline flinched, she hadn't been expecting that, the pains in her stomach seemed to understand what was going on, and it had long ceased.

She closed her eyes and sank down on to the sofa, covering her eyes and willing herself not to cry. Edward had said all he said without caring about her feelings, well it wasn't as if she also does not want a child, she was also having her own heart aches when ever she looked at the locked room.

She also wanted desperately to to have a child, but what could she do? After all, the doctors that had done check ups on her, had said she was okay and could have children, but then, all along she had persuaded him (Edward) to take her advice and visit the doctors too. But he had refused, telling her that he was all capable of fathering a child, which was true. Due, to the little boy a lady had claimed was his, when they had been courting.

The now dead child had been the splitting image of Edward.

The resemblance between father and son had been so painful.

There was still hope, after all, they had only been married for three years now, and some couples had been married for twenty years and above without a child.

And as she always believed, God knows best.



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