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I woke up a half hour before I needed to. The house was quiet—it’s the calm before the storm. The storm that had become mornings in this house. Sometimes they were just normal storms that bring little complications or inconveniences; and other times it was a hurricane that brings heavy sighs and maybe a broken dish. Either way I love it. I love the chaos that my family creates in the morning, because despite disorganization, everyone is smiling. Everyone is laughing and talking and saying good morning like Hunter taught them to.

I smiled to myself, waiting for it, the first shuffle on a mattress or creek by the door. Hunter sighed in her sleep and I tightened my arm around her, knowing it was a sign she was waking up.

"Good morning," she croaked sleepily as her eyes focused on me.


She shifted closer to me, “Have you been up for long?” I shook my head. “Oh.” Her eyes fluttered shut again but I know she was up for good.

Today was a big day for the two of us. We’re both moving into new offices. Hunter into Frank’s old office. And me into HN studios—my first actual office.

HN studios. It was part of Sony, but we are for the little people. The ones who get third on the X Factor, or the ones that can’t seem to get their talents past more than just YouTube. We are helping those people and working closely with Sony to help them reach their dream—like Harry and I did.

I am the co-owner (along with Harry) and COO of a company now. That’s never what I imagined for myself but I like where the road led me. Besides I still get to make music, it not all business thankfully. Time is split between London (where Harry resides) and New York and I call them both home. I visit Ireland when I can—when we can. The kids love it there, to see all their foreign family.

"Are you nervous?" Hunter whispered, her eyes still closed.

"A little."

"Will you have to wear a suit all the time?"

I chuckled, “No, only sometimes. At least that’s what I’m going to do.” I traced over her tattooed bicep, gliding my finger over the lifelike roses and skulls. “Are you nervous?”

"Yeah." She sighed. "I’m very important now."

"It took Frank stepping down and promoting you to realize that?" She opened her eyes and smiled at me. "You’ll do great, babe."

"Thanks," she laughed softly. "Do you think we have time for—"

"Mommy," we both looked towards the door, seeing Patrick standing in the doorway with a big wet stain in the middle of his pajama pants. "I peed."

Hunter sighed quietly and sat up, “It’s okay Patrick. Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” She got out of bed and took his hand. “Get the girls up?”

"Yeah," I yawned, stretching my body out. After laying there for another minute or seven, I finally got up and walked into Maeve’s room. "Mae, time to get up."

"No it’s not."

I chuckled and sat on her bed, “Yes it is, love. You have to go to school.”

"Pat doesn’t go," She whined.

"He does go. It’s just a different kind because he too young for kindergarten." She continued to pout but it was only making me smile. "You gotta go to school, baby girl. Do it for me, okay?"

"But what about me, Daddy?”

"Don’t you want to see all your friends like you did yesterday? And Mummy made you a yummy lunch. Just for you."

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