72. Dead

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“I refuse to let the rain stop the party,” Hunter said determinedly, grabbing Lucy and Francine’s hands as she led them into the living room. I watched after them, chuckling at the watery foot prints they were leaving behind. Hunter was trying, stressing really, over this being ‘the perfect first birthday’ for Lucy. She just wouldn’t accept the fact the Lucy doesn’t care yet.

We had a bouncy house set up in the back yard, but as soon as a drop rain fell, Hunter threw her arms up and deemed the party basically destroyed. She was so easily frustrated these days. I knew why—it wasn’t a secret. Though today is Lucy’s birthday, the anniversary of Ana’s death is tomorrow, then on top of that she has to get her surgery the next day. It wasn’t going to be a good week for either of us and I think she was trying to force fun right now.

And, for the most part, it was working.

I followed them after towel drying the dogs off and sat on the couch, watching as Francine and Hunter taught Lucy to finger paint.

“It’s edible paint,” Hunter said to me.


She nodded, “You know how she tries to eat everything…” Dasher and Fuzz went over to the little table, investigating what was going on. “As do the dogs.” She stood up and carelessly wiped her hands on her jeans. “I’m gonna get some water.”

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I just need a drink.” I nodded and she stepped over the baby gate to leave the room.

“Daddy,” Lucy giggled as she held up her yellow hands.

I gasped, “What’s all over your hands, baby girl?!”

“It’s paint,” Francine grinned. “Look what I made.” I got down on the floor next to them and peered over Francine’s shoulder at her painting. “It’s a red flower.”

“That’s pretty.”

“Mr. Niall, why come Hunter is sad?”

I felt my heart drop a little, “She’s not sad. She’s happy that today is Lucy’s birthday. Aren’t you happy for Lucy?”

“Daddy said she was sad ‘cos her insides were broken.” She scratched her face, forgetting there was paint on her fingers. I chuckled a little and used my thumb to wipe it off.

“Yeah, she’s not too happy about that, but she’s feeling good today.”

“I can give her my flower.”

“That’s a great idea. She’d love it.” I felt Lucy’s hand on my arm, successfully getting yellow paint on me. I put my arm around her and kissed her forehead as she continued to rub paint all over me. “Thanks Lucy. I love being yellow.”

Francine giggled and started rubbing her red hands on other arm. “You look like McDonald’s!”

“Good thing I love McDonald’s,” I looked over my shoulder at Hunter leaned against the wall. She sipped from her water bottle before coming to sit with us again. “Guess there was no point in getting paper, huh?”

“Looks like it.”

“Where’s your phone? I’ll tweet a picture for you.” I nodded to the coffee table. She took no time to unlock it and take a picture. She typed something in before holding it up so I could see it before she sent it out.

@NiallOfficial: Who needs paper? - HH

“If only your middle name started with an H too. You could be triple H.”

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