15. Houses

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New York City, New York, USA

I only have to make it through GMA on Wednesday morning before I’m free for the holidays. The Victoria’s Secret fashion show was fun and all, especially since my sickness was gone, but I couldn’t wait to have nothing to do again. It’s also a week and a half before Christmas, and who can’t look forward to that?

Thanksgiving was a little more hectic than I thought it’d be, but still good fun with Brice and the family. I got Brice thinking about what kind of wedding she wanted so I knew who exactly to contact and when. This was also her first Thanksgiving as well, so she was just a bundle of excitement and glee as she fluttered around the kitchen helping me and Mom cook. When we actually were seated down eating, Mom just wouldn’t shut up about how happy she was for Brice’s engagement, making it obvious she wanted me to get married soon too. She was irritating about things like that, but I pretended I didn’t care.

As of right now, my only thoughts about marriage had to do with Brice—I didn’t have my own opinion. When I was little, it was my dream to get married young and be married forever, but now with this job and my life, I just don’t know how exactly that’ll work out. Niall said he thought about marrying me once…but…I don’t know how that’ll work out now and I didn’t want to clutter my brain thinking about it. Beside we’re just barely into this three month relationship.

I cleared off my desk, making sure stacks of papers were in a neat pile and throwing away unimportant things. Work was uneventful other than my recording the show for tomorrow—and I had no problem with it—before Stacy took over again. I was ready to get out of here and stay out for a couple weeks…though I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to do with that time yet. Maybe I’ll see what Niall’s up to.

There was a knock at my door. I looked up and all the blood drained from my face when I saw Gabe leaned against the door frame. WHY! “Uh…hi…” I muttered awkwardly. He only gave me a nod before stepping further in my office and starting to wonder around, looking at the pictures and knick knacks. I frowned at him—he has no idea how to interact with people.

“How was your trip to…?”

“Baltimore.” He said quietly before looking up at me, “It was nice.”

“That’s good.”

“You’re off for the holidays I’d assume.” He muttered eyeing me. I gave him a nod, growing more and more uncomfortable under his gaze. What do you WANT?! “Headed…anywhere?”

“I’m not sure yet.” I breathed, fidgeting in my chair. His eyes glanced down towards the front of the desk, watching my legs move around and I immediately crossed them tightly. “Is there something you want Gabe?”

He smirked, why… “Yes. Don’t think you can give it to me though.” What. “Not at the moment anyway.” What? “I came to check in on you.”

“Check in on me? What for? To see if I’m being good?” My attitude became clear at the last part but his smirk only got more mischievous as he picked up a snow globe that Niall sent me from Colorado.


“I assure you, I’m fine.” I bit back.

“The finest.”

What the fuck. I wanted to kick him out and ask that he never bring his creepy ass back in here, but I couldn’t—I’d never hear the end of it from Frank, especially if we really do need the money for this event next year. I told myself to just remain cordial until February; then I can tell him to fuck off.

“Uh…thanks…” He went to sit in the chair in front of me, crossing his ankles and putting an elbow up on the arm rest. Then he just stared for a long ten seconds; he just sat there and stared at me without saying anything. “You’re making me a little uncomfortable.” I admitted.

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