12. Advice

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Hampstead, New York, USA

“I shot it in its left eye and it just looked so cool I had to get it stuffed.” Uncle Ben explained—though no one asked about his hunting experiences. “It’s sitting in my living room now.”

I still couldn’t believe this was Dad’s brother. It’s crazy how different siblings can be. “You have a stuffed moose in your living room…? Doesn’t it scare you at night?” I asked and he snorted.

“I ain’t afraid of nothing Big ‘N Famous.” That’s what he calls me—Big N Famous. He’s one of those family members that dipped in and out of your life depending on how well you’re doing. It bothered me but I never said anything. Everyone seemed to be ignoring him so I guess I should just do it too. I got up and walked away.

“Link!” I gasped, seeing him sitting quietly with Jade as she played with Francine. He looked up at me and his face completely lit up. “Link, you look so handsome.” I smiled sitting next to him. He looked down at his little vest over his white button down shirt. “Want to take a picture with me?”

“Yeah,” I pulled my phone out and held it at arm’s length as I snapped a cute selfie with him. “Let me see.” He said pulling my arm down.


“I look small.”

I laughed, “It’s only because my head is so big. You’re still a big boy.” He smiled proudly and I quickly posted the picture on Instagram with no caption before putting my phone away. “Want to dance with me?” I asked pointing to the dance floor.

“No.” Ow.

“Why not? Can’t dance?”

“No I can.”

“Then show me.”

He twisted his mouth up, “Okay…but you can’t steal my dance.” I burst into laughter as I followed him to the dance floor. Twirled around together, copying each other’s dance moves as we giggled. When a slow song came on, I picked him up and rested him on my hip. “You have to dance with a big person Auntie.”

“I don’t have to.” I smiled, swaying us. “And my big person isn’t here.”

“Where are they?”

“He’s—” shit, where is he… “In Massachusetts I think.”

“How come he couldn’t come here?” Link squeaked.

“He’s working. Do you remember him? Niall?” He shook his head. “He talked funny, remember? We went and played golf.”

“Oh!” He gushed, wrapping his arms around my neck. “I remember.”

“Yeah, I like him…do you?”

“I do.” He mumbled into my neck. I giggled and spun us around until the song came to a quiet ending. We went back to the couch, where Francine was being passed around to everyone and congratulated on her christening, like she gave a shit. She started getting agitated with constantly being lifted so El rushed over to calm her. I went over and kissed them both on the cheek before taking a quick run to the bathroom.

I ran into my grandma, my Dad’s mom, as I came through the doors. “Hello honey!” She smiled. “What’s your hurry?” I gave her a sheepish smile.

“My bladder’s about to burst.”

“Oh, duh, Dona,” she chuckled shaking her head at herself. “Why else would you be in the bathroom, right?” I nodded and into the stall, resisting the urge to sigh as I relieved myself. “So, how’ve you been Hunter? I haven’t seen you since Labor Day.”

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