37. Sleepless

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New York City, New York, USA

Our last days in Disney were nothing different from the first. There was no such thing as a down moment or a face without a smile on it. I’m sure we went on about every ride in the park. And even though I quickly found out loopy rollercoasters didn’t agree with me too well, I still went on a few anyway. Best of all, the girls had a great time. They were upset to be splitting up in the airport; I told them they’ll see each other again eventually. Niall and I didn’t spend too much time with goodbyes, merely sharing a kiss and a long hug before going our separate ways. He’ll be back in New York in a week, so we decided then we’ll be about to catch up on everything we’ve been missing—physically.

When we touched down in NYC, Brody took Adelaide to summer camp (since she said she could handle it) while I accompanied Kasey in taking Erica home before heading to work. Eileen and I exchanged a wave and greeting smile as Kasey and I walked off the elevator. I was glad she found a way to work while I was gone.

“How was Disneyland?” She asked, handing me a mug of coffee.

“It was nice, thanks.”

“You look tanner.”

I looked down at my arm, “Yeah I get tan easily.”

“I remember.” She laughed. I eyed her as I sipped my coffee, noticing she was in a weirdly good mood today.

“How’d you get to work today?”

“Frank.” I rolled my eyes and she laughed again. We chatted a little about what’s been going on while I was gone but Eileen suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence as she stared at something behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see it was Gabe. My face drained. “Why is he always here?”

“I don’t know.” I rushed. “Is he looking at me?”


“Can he see you looking at him?”


“Well look away before he comes over here!” I hissed.

Her eyes widened as she looked down at the ground, “He’s coming, he’s coming.” She whispered.

“What do I do?!”

“Um…play dead?”

Play dead? What the fuck Eileen!”

“Miss Tomlinson,” His voice was suddenly in my ear, making me flinch and yelp as coffee sloshed onto the floor. “I came to pay you a visit yesterday, but you weren’t here.”

“I told you to stop coming here.” I mumbled, taking a couple steps away from him. “I’ve told you a million times.”

“Where were you?”

I frowned, “None of your business.”

“With the boyfriend?”

“It’s none of your business. Nothing about me is any of your business. What are you even doing here?”

He smirked, “To pay you a visit.”

“Well I don’t want you to visit, so leave.” I stormed away, nearly slipping in my spilled coffee, and closed myself in my office. And because I knew he was following me, I locked the door. I leaned against it, wishing Niall or Brody was here—not just to scared Gabe away, but to just calm me down.


When I arrived at Brody’s house, I heard him talking angrily on the phone. He was yelling. I could only assume he was talking to his ex-wife—they often got into arguments. She was the only person I knew that could upset Brody so much. I timidly followed his voice and found him pacing in the kitchen, clutching the phone at his ear.

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