Harry: Meeting Erin

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Harry's POV. The title is pretty self explanitory


I screwed up my face a little as I jogged through the warm summer rain to my car before shaking the droplets out of my hair and starting it. Having dinner with old friends is always fun while I’m home, but now that it was over, I was eager to get home and just sleep for as long as possible. I started the car, and began my not so short drive, on a relatively empty road, back to my house in HC. More often than not I stayed in my London flat, but sometimes I feel like getting away and isolating myself. HC was like my escape—where I can just be Harry instead of Harry Styles—and since the town was small, everyone knew that’s what I wanted and respected it without asking.

Lightening flashed across the sky, and I got slightly distracted by the way it looked. It looked a bit purple or pink, but it didn’t last long enough for me to distinguish the color. I searched the sky in anticipation of it flashing again, and out of the corner of my eye something moved into the street, making me slam my foot on the breaks. Anger rushed through me when I realized it was a woman trying to run across the street when she clearly didn’t have the green light.

“Crazy…” I muttered to myself, but remained stopped to let her across the street. Lightening lit up again, allowing me to see just how soaked and lost she looked. Her light brown hair stuck to her face as she turned her head, trying to read street signs I think. I suddenly felt bad for calling her crazy. She obviously didn’t know where she was, or how to get where she was going.

Without thinking I rolled my passenger window down shout, “Hey!” She spun around again from the other side of the street. “Ehm…are you lost?” She was hesitant to answer me but nodded. “Do you need a ride?”

“No.” She muttered quickly. I guess that was understandable—why would she take a ride from some random guy? But…I’m not a random guy. I mean I am…but if I’d done this in London instead of an empty street just outside of HC, she would’ve jumped in my car by now. Maybe she doesn’t know who I am—or she doesn’t care. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was smart enough not to take a ride from anyone she didn’t know, no matter if I’m a celebrity.

“I can give you directions if you’d like.” I yelled over crackling thunder. She just stared at me for a bit before nodding. I rolled the window up before pulling the car over and getting out. We stood under a bus stop with a large amount of space between us as I shook my hair out again and pushed it out of my eyes. “So, where are you looking for?”

“Wester Lane…” The first thing I noticed was she purposefully didn’t give me her address, but I understood her reasoning. The second was she was looking for the street I lived on—maybe she really was a fan and was searching for my house. I got a bit creeped out, but played it off.

“You don’t have to tell me your address or anything, but is the address of the place you’re looking for above or below fifteen?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Below.”

“We’re headed to the same street.”

“Really…?” I nodded. “Well…can you just tell me the way? I um…have other stops to make.”

“Yeah,” I pointed up the road. “You go up this street until the third light and you turn left on Yorkshire then, at the stop sign you take a right on Greene. Then there’s a split in the road and you’ll have to take the left side, and stay on the curvy road until you see Wester Lane—it looks like a drive way…but it’s not.” I looked back to her only to see a blank look on her face. She had no idea what I was talking about. “Ehm…are you new here?”

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