65. Jobs

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The doorbell rang and Lucy pushed up to see where the noise was coming from. Once Fuzz started barking she knew it must’ve been the door, since that’s what barking usually meant. In her three months it was almost weird to see how quickly she’s grown and how far she still has to go.

Kim Long said her response to sound was a ‘super big deal’ because it shows that ‘her little brain is growing big’; I figured out she had three kids of her own—which explained her…word choices sometimes. She also said Lucy’s new trick of rolling over was in important milestone—and here I am impatiently waiting for her to walk. Lucy didn’t particularly like rolling over though—she thought it was scary and would often be disoriented once she did it. But, Kim Long said we have to keep encouraging her.

“We have visitors, Lucy!” I said animatedly. “Yay!”

“I got it,” Niall said, jogging from the kitchen. I listened as he opened the door, greeting the big group that we were already expecting.

“Where is she? Let me see her!” I heard Erin say. Niall must’ve pointed her in here before only seconds later she appeared in the archway of the living room with Echo, Evelyn, and Marcel standing at her sides. “Oh my gosh, she’s straight out of an advert.”

I laughed and stood up, “Is that a good thing?” I gave them all big hugs, though I didn’t know Erin’s sisters as well as I knew her. “Marcel!” I squealed kissing his cheek and hugging him.Wait… “Where’s Katie?”

“With her sister—they took a sailing trip for the weekend so I decided to tag along to see Lucy.”

“Wow, glad to know I was a second thought…” I stuck my tongue out at him and turned back to Lucy, staring up at the herd of people in front of her. “Okay, she’s starting to not like being passed around too much, but you can just sit down and play with her. She rolls over now.” I added the last part just because I wanted to. “I’ll be right back.”

I walked around the corner finding Niall and Harry whispering about writing. Writing what? Harry saw me before Niall did and quickly shut his mouth. Hmm…

“Whispering…that can’t be good.”

“I’ll tell you later.” Niall said brushing it off. “Good to have you all over, Harry.”

“I’m telling you both now; I don’t want to hear any sex going on.” He teased, “Not a peep.”

Niall snorted, “Trust me, you won’t.” He sounded bitter, but before I could say anything he clapped Harry on the back. “Come meet Lucy.” I stared after them, feeling a bit confused.

Was Niall mad at me for the sex thing? I know the time since the last time we actually had sex was only multiplying, but…it’s not like we don’t do other things. I fucking blew him like…before work yesterday. What’s the difference?! There isn’t one!

I sighed.

Yes there is.



The rest of the day fluttered along as our company got to know Lucy. Marcel was actually really cute with her despite being a little squeamish when she spit up after Niall fed her. Lucy really liked him in turn. I think it was that big dimply Styles smile that she liked. She also really liked Echo’s hair and though she couldn’t really grab things purposefully yet, she liked to run her little hands through it.

Niall and Harry were whispery though. They went together to take The Fuzz for a long walk—like a two hour long walk—but once they got back, everything seemed fine. Harry started interacting more with Lucy and Niall joked around with Marcel and Echo. By lunch, there was no more whispering and distant behavior, so I disregarded it.

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