6. Bullshit

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Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France

Harry and I were seated on the couch in the dressing room, waiting for another radio station to come in and do a short interview with us before the show. This was our routine almost every day and I loved it. Tour was great once you get into the routine—but once you’re that routine for eight months, you start going a little crazy. Thankfully we’re only barely two months in.

Our next interview came in giving us a big smile. “Hello!” She said in a heavy French accent.

“Hello,” Harry and I said at the same time. She and her camera guy got their stuff set up and we sat there patiently. This was what I imagined Brice to be like when she’s thirty. Speaking of her, she and Liam were just across the room, staring at the TV—a rerun Hunter’s show (an episode from Thursday) was on (she’d been back in New York for a month now).

Bonjour, boys.” She said once the camera and stuff was set up. “How are you?”

“Great—excited for the show.” I said.

“Does it ever get tiring? You’re never like ‘Oh, I don’t want to do it today’?”

Harry and I looked at each other, “No, not really. It’s impossible to get on stage and be in a bad mood honestly.”

“Yeah, you can’t not love it.” Harry added.

“Do you miss you families and stuff? Family and friends?”

Harry nodded and sat up straighter, “Well yeah but I talk to my mum almost every night. And my siblings and friends—we talk a lot so we don’t really lose touch—”

“And I feel like that makes seeing them when you can that much better, yaknow?” I cut in.

“Yes, bro—you said it.” I snorted and clapped a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “So, yeah we miss them but, it’s not that bad.”

The interviewer smiled before glancing at her notecards, “Speaking of friends, Niall”—here we go. Ever since getting mobbed at the coffee shop, and the short tweets back and forth between Hunter and I, everyone was determine to find out our deal. No one seemed to understand there was no deal, we’re just friends at the moment—“You’re good friends with Hunter Tomlinson, no?”

“Yes I am.”

“Okay, hang on.” Harry said holding a hand up, “I’m friends with her too!”

The interviewer laughed, “Well I only asked because there’s all these millions of rumors going on about Niall and Hunter—I just wanted to get to the bottom, no? Like get things confirmed.”

“We’re just friends,” I chuckled. “Good friends.”

“She’s gorgeous isn’t she?” Harry said trying to get some of the pressure off me.

“Yeah, yes she’s beautiful.” The interviewer said. “So nice.”

“Very nice.” I laughed in a Borat voice. I ended up making myself laugh harder than I intended so it took me a couple second to calm myself. “Yeah, she nice.” The conversation carried on though, about our albums and what it was like to tour with each other—no original questions at all—before we said goodbye.

I grabbed my phone, getting on twitter, as I sat in the chair for Lora to do my hair.

NiallOffical: Paris! Bonjour! Ready to go ? Who’s coming ?

Before I could put my phone down Hunter tweeted. She pops up everywhere, I swear.

@HTom_o: big thanks to @JLawrence for coming in today! Is she my twin or nah?

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