16. Red ranger

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“Good morning Hunter!” Robin said cheerfully. “Can I just say, today might be the biggest crowd in GMA history.” I laughed a little. “We’ve had you here before, and it was a madhouse, and we’ve had Niall and Harry here too, which was also a madhouse. But now all three of you are here, on the same morning, just clogging up all of New York—it’s wonderful!”

“I always get worried in situations like this,” I admitted. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt. And someone always does, then I feel bad because I never find out until after it’s done.”

“Don’t you worry about yourself getting hurt? “ She chuckled, “I mean I’ve seen videos when you’re absolutely surrounded by people. Isn’t that scary?”

“It is…but…I worry about everyone.”

She nodded, “You’re pretty new to all this aren’t you? You became this…face of Vogue three years ago and all of a sudden you’re flying around the world and seeing this and that, and all of that’s cool, but you’re still so young. Don’t you wish you could just…make it stop for a bit? Start a family?”

“You sound like my Mom,” I laughed adjusting myself in my seat. “Um, I mean yeah—I’m twenty-five and I guess this is when women start thinking about if they’re going to…breed or not…” Robin laughed at my choice of words. “But I like what’s going on now. I always tell people the good out weights the bad, and I think as long as it stays that way and I continue to like what I do—I probably won’t stop.”

“You’ll just keep going until your old and battered, right?”

“That’s the plan so far—and besides, I can still have a family now.”

She grinned, “Speaking of family, you’re brother Chip, on the United States soccer team, you’re other brother, Louis, is a well-known business man—I’d say your family has done very well in the past couple years!” I laughed and agreed with her. It never really accrued to me that all three of us kind of made our own names for ourselves around the same time.

“How do you all manage to stay so close knit?” She continued. “You’re flying around here, while Chip has practice there, and Louis had a convention somewhere else. Do you even see each other at all?”

I twirled my hair around my finger, “I see Louis more than Chip, because he lives here in New York—where I try to live—but there are lots of phone calls back and forth, and Skype and we actually go on a few vacations all together. Just at the end of September we all—with my parents—went to Mexico and it was so nice, with the kids and the sun…I loved it.”

“You were mobbed there weren’t you?!”

“Well, yeah, but it was only once.”

“Once!” She scoffed, “You were with little Link, right? Was he scared?”

“He was terrified.” I nodded, “But everything turned out alright.” I held off the information about Niall being the one to actually get Link to safety. In the car ride here I told myself not to say any additional information unless asked about it. I honestly don’t need the whole world knowing my life, but if someone asks, I’ll tell the truth. That was the plan.

“You’re very close with Link, aren’t you?” I nodded again. “Don’t you want your own Link? Your own kids?”

“I’ve always wanted children,” I shrugged. “I just don’t really have time at the moment, yaknow?”

“What about marriage?”

“Yeah, that too I guess.”

“How are your relationships? It can’t be easy to trust people when you meet them right?”

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