51. Help

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London, England

“Everything is coming together,” Lora sighed. She, Harry and I were sat in the last row of the O2 arena, looking up at the stage. The lights and all were being tested now after we’d finished rehearsal. A nostalgic feeling washed over me as I looked up there. I remembered each show I saw up there and each one I did. And once this tour is over, this arena will be the last place I perform—where my career will end.

“Yeah,” I sighed. We faded into silence again until Harry flinched in his seat as a hand was placed over his eyes. I laughed a little, “It’s Erin.” He peeled her hands away and she leaned down to kiss his forehead.

“I brought you guys lunch.” She smiled and held up a big bag from McDonalds.

I looked at Harry, “Keep her.” They both laughed. Erin climbed over the seat, handing the bag to me and Harry before starting a conversation with Lora. We dug in, like we hadn’t eaten in years. Hunter suddenly popped into my head, remembering the way she inhaled the eggs I made her, only to throw them up minutes later. I was glad she was getting over that part…because it was not only disgusting, but it was hard to watch. I don’t think anyone likes seeing someone they care about sick.

“When’s your flight?” Harry asked.

“Three.” I mumbled. Pulling out my phone to see if she’d texted me back. She didn’t. “I haven’t spoken to Hunter yet today.”


“I don’t know. She’s not answering.” I sighed, “She was working late last night so she’s probably still sleeping.” He nodded. “Though she’s not really one to sleep late…” But the pregnancy has made her pretty tired… “I don’t know.”

Erin sat forward, “Niall, who’s the surprise person for the first show? Harry won’t tell me.”

“Then I’m not telling either.” I laughed.

“Oh, c’mon. I’ll find out eventually.”

Harry snorted, “You can find out with the rest of them.”

“Poop head…” She muttered, making me laugh harder than it should have. I was about to say something, but I was cut off when my phone rang. “Ooh, Hunter’s calling.” I rolled my eyes and walked away as I answered the phone. It was Kasey.


“Niall,” She cried. “Do you know where Hunter is?”

My eyes widened, “What? What do you mean?”

“We’re in her office and there’s like…she—” she couldn’t talk through her crying and before I could try to drag information out of her, the voice on the phone changed.

“Niall, it’s Brody.”

I frowned, “What happened? Why don’t you know where Hunter is?”

“She didn’t call to tell me she was home last night, so I went to the house to check on her and she wasn’t there. I came here to the office to see if she was here and—there seems to have been a struggle.”

“A struggle? Like a fight?”


I didn’t understand. “She got in a fight?”

“By all the things broke and thrown around in here, it looks like it. But we don’t know who with or…where she is now. She might be hurt.” I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

“What?” I strained.

“There’s blood in the carpet—we don’t know if it’s hers though.”

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