29. Jealous

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Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland

 ”You do this when they score,” Theo explained to Hunter as he shook his fists over his head. He had a crush on Hunter, I could tell. It was like he couldn’t stop talking to her or touching her or doing things for her. It was actually kind of cute. “Do you want water?”

"No, I’m okay," Hunter chuckled. "Do you?" He nodded and she passed her water bottle to him. I peeked over them at Ana and Brody’s daughter, Adelaide, chatting about god knows what—paying no attention to the football game going on in front of them. They seemed to be getting on pretty well; they age difference didn’t seem to matter. I was glad Hunter convinced Brody into bringing her, just so Ana had someone to hang out with for a bit. Especially when Theo is hogging Hunter.

"Who’s the best player?" Hunter asked me.

Theo answered instead, “Him! He’s got a three on his jersey. There, look he’s all the way over. Do you see?”

"Oh, yeah I see him. He just kicked the ball?"

"Yeah, he’s running. You see?"

"Wow, he’s fast, isn’t he?"

"My dad says he’s like a cheetah even though he doesn’t have spots." I rolled my eyes at them, and put my arm around the back of Hunter’s seat. She looked at me, smiling a little before resting her head on my shoulder.

"He would be such good friends with Link." She whispered to me.

I laughed a little, “Should’ve brought him along too. The more the merrier.” She giggled a little, leaning in to kiss my neck. I played with her hair a little until she sat up straight again. Theo went back to his non-stop talking about random things. She paid attention to him though, hanging on every word.

It sometimes was amazing to me how good of a listener she was most of the time. I felt like she had tons of information swimming in her head from all that listening—it’s almost no wonder she always thought too much.

Brody and I were the only ones focusing on the football game. I mean, that’s what you’re supposed to do when you come to the stadium. We cheered and groaned with the ups and downs of the game, but ultimately we were left disappointed when our team lost.

As we were leaving, we stopped a couple times for pictures, and signed some stuff. It was relatively easy to get out of there though, and soon we were on the road back home. Hunter was intensely texting Brice, something about complications with the wedding venue. A couple days ago, I’d spoken with Liam about the wedding coming up and I could basically hear his happiness. The guy was on cloud nine. His even got me excited for the wedding too. Brice on the other hand seemed…stressed.

Hunter sighed, “Brice’s venues cancelled on her.”

"What? Why?"

"Because we’re going to be there." In that sentence alone I could hear in her voice just how upset she was. "They told her with us being such ‘mainstream celebrities’ we’re putting staff, the attendants and the building itself in danger. They were like, ‘we’d have to sacrifice ourselves to insure their safety with more security, while also trying to maintain the privacy of your wedding as a whole’. So then basically," an attitude laced her voice, reflecting her irritation. "They gave her the ultimatum of paying more to use those places, which Brice can’t afford or don’t use them."

"The church and reception place said this?”

"Yes! So now Brice doesn’t have a place to get married. Um, mind you; the wedding is in, threemonths!” Sympathy welled up inside of me. Of all things Brice could do without right now, this was number one on the list. “What a disaster. All because of us, too.”

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