“Becky.” Austin hisses, I look at him. He hands me my phone and my eyes widen, “You forgot this at my house last night.” he smiles, I snatch my phone from his hands and the bell rings.

“You were at Austin’s?” Justin asks me but I dart out of my seat and out the door before I answered. 

It’s going to be a long day.

As I’m gloomily walking to my next class I see a boy. He’s being double teamed by Zach and Robert I overhear the conflict.

“How’s Jimbo doing today?” Zach asks the boy and pulls him into a headlock.

“Fine.” the boy wheezes out. Zach releases him and Robert slaps down his books that were in his hands.

“Hey!” I shout, “What the hell do you think you’re doing to this kid?” I ask angrily. Zach and Robert gulp.

“We were-uh just.” Robert trails off.

“You were just leaving.” I finish for him, they both walk away quickly with their heads down. I start to help the guy pick up his papers and books.

“Hey, um thanks.” the boy says, “Not a lot of people stand up for me like that. Actually no one does. Thank you.” he smiles, I mirror him.

“Yeah, it’s no problem…” I look at one of his papers.


“Jimmy.” I finish.

“You read it off my paper, Huh?” he asks, I nod.

“So, Can I know your name?” He asks sweetly, I giggle.

“It’s Becky.” I smile, I start to walk down the hall and he comes up behind me.

“I can walk you to class.” he suggests. I nod happily. 

We talk about random topics until I’m finally at my next class.

“Are you sitting with anybody for lunch, I’d really like to get to know you better.” He laughs.

“I’m sitting with a friend. Her name’s Tia.” I explain, he nods sadly, “But, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind some company.” I say, he smiles at me. The warning bell rings.

“It’s a date then!” I hear him shout down the hall I laugh as I enter the room.


It’s finally lunch and Tia and I are sitting down at one of the corner tables. I made a mental note to get here earlier so it doesn’t look like I’m ignoring Justin, Austin, and their crew. I see a tray set down before us and my eyes hopefully meet Jimmy’s but it’s not him.

“Oh”, I say with disappointment, “It’s you.” I say sadly.

“Come on, Beck. Don’t talk to me like that. Not after last night.” He smiles. I shake my head.

I never should have even let him touch me. 

Stupid Austin and his manipulative ways.

“Last night was…” I try to figure out the right word.

“Great. Amazing. Awesome. Unforgettable.” He suggests.

“A mistake.” I finish my sentence.

“Austin!” I hear Justin shout from across the room. Tia and I simultaneously groan.

“Hey JB! Over here!” Austin waves his hand.

“Why are we sitting with this dork?” Justin laughs at Tia, she puts down her sandwich and pushes her plate away. I see as she is about to get up but I cling onto her arm for dear life and mentally plead her to stay. She sighs and sits back down.

“Well, if you’re going to call my best friend names I don’t think you should sit with us.” I say to them, they laugh.

“You should be begging us to sit with you, Sweetheart. We’re kind of a big deal.” Justin says. I smile.

“You maybe a big deal to these blind, immature, naive, oblivious children you call your peers but I see right through your facade.” I say confidently, “I know exactly what type of person you are Bieber. And don’t think for one second that I’d put my guard down around you.” I say bitterly. Tia looks at me stunned and so does Justin and Austin. The rest of the crew show up behind them.

“What did we miss?” Alex asked. 

(A/N: Jimmy is finally in this fanfic so yeah...



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