XII. Connection

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Beta Reader:   JEAgogo

|| Connection ||





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Sakura floated steadily on the clear ocean-coloured water as she was still unconscious, like a sleeping pinkette goddess. She still wore her Uchiha clothing while her long, damp hair spread out on the water's surface. She was surrounded by the water horizon and the blue twilight sky as the clouds above reflected on the surface of the water. However, the place instantly faded, and the atmosphere changed to nightfall, with Sakura's feet now firmly on plain wood. Seconds later, she slowly opened her eyes as her vision gradually cleared. She realised she was standing on a bridge and facing the lake.

Suddenly, Sakura saw a girl who appeared out of nowhere, standing on the end of the bridge. She had long, straight brown hair that swayed across her back as the calm wind blew by dispersing the gathered leaves. The girl wore a high-collared purple shirt with long sleeves, baggy blue pants, and a shuriken holster on her right leg. A long purple fingerless glove ran nearly the length of her left arm, with a red armband secured above it. Sakura looked around her location. She recognised this place, remembering that this was from the Konoha of her timeline.

"Am I dead already?" she asked herself in disappointment while disregarding the girl's presence.

Not long after, the mysterious girl snapped her head up and slowly turned around to face Sakura. The girl smiled and looked delighted.

"Oh! Sakura-chan! You are already here?" the girl asked in a calm tone despite her jovial mood.

Sakura began to blink her eyes in confusion after the girl had called her name. She had no idea who the girl was.

The scene of the two girls standing only a few meters apart on the lake bridge was reflected in the water below them. The leaves continued to swirl around them in the air and on the water's surface. Sakura looked down and noticed the water's reflection. Her eyes widened as she witnessed the bizarre image of herself as when she looked as an eight-year-old child. She was wearing her usual green dress, while her headband ribbon tied back her short pink hair as it was ruffled in the breeze.

"Sakura-chan?" The girl was perplexed as Sakura quickly looked up at her. "Are you...alright?"

Sakura's reflection showed her mouth slightly open, but she didn't know how to respond to this girl she didn't recognize. Her thoughts about this girl might had befriended her before without remembering during her childhood days. But then....

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