Chp.15- Halloween is so damn scary

Start from the beginning

You only live once, right?

The hot rays of water shot my skin, signing, I let myself relax.

After a lot of scrubbing and rinsing, I was finally cleansed so I had to get out.

I instantly regretted it when the cold Washington air seeps into my skin.

Hastily, I got into my room before I freeze myself to death.

I look into my small closet that St. Mary’s provided me, searching for the perfect Halloween outfit.

I pulled out my prom dress, it was a sleeveless red dress with ruffles from waist reaching right above my knee cap. There were sparkles all over, and it was perfect for Halloween.

I search my drawer for the Masquerade mask that I wore last Halloween, deciding it would work with my dress, creating a perfect costume.

I pulled on the dress and set the mask to the side, ready to do my make-up.

For the makeup, I did a simple Smokey-eye with intense smoked-out eyeliner, and a tone down red lip stain.

I choose to keep my hair down in simple loose waves.

Pulling on simple silver strappy heels, I did a 360 turn in front of my mirror.

Smiling at my reflection, I grab my clutch, and look at the clock. Wow, I spent 5 hours getting ready.

Without hesitating, I turn my heels toward the door and walk out without turning around.

Chris’s P.O.V

“I’m going to ask Victoria to dance, ok?” Harry said and left me standing there with Nate.

I was still angry with Nate for what he did to Kellie. Kellie hasn’t come out of her room unless for classes, and it kills me to see her lock herself up like that.

Harry had inform me of their conversation on Facebook and said that she wasn’t coming, crushing the hopes of me ever having a dance with her.

I walk around, saying “hi” to the people who came up to me and started small conversations. I was in the middle of listening to James’ vent about a girl he slept with when he fell silent.


I turn to the direction he was looking at, and my jaw dropped.

There stood Kellie Parker, in a red dress, looking more beautiful than ever.

I swear my mouth literally drop to the ground. She looks so beautiful. I started walking to her, but she was surrounded by perverted boys before I could get to her. But I didn’t give up, I move through the crowd and grab her hand, pulling her out of there.

She sounded breathless when she said, “Thank you.”

I smile down at her, “No problem. I’m always here.”

Kellie look up at me, and grin, my heart skipped a beat at her beautiful smile.

“Do you want to dance with me?” I ask nervously, looking straight into her eye, hoping she would say yes.

“Of course,”

With her permission, I took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

Right then, a slow song came on.

I look over at the DJ and he winked at me and nodded towards Kellie.

I smile back at him in gratitude.

“Um, Chris?” she look hesitant.

“Yeah?” I look at her, concern in my voice.

“I don’t know how to dance…” she said in an embarrass tone, looking away.

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