Urgent Matter

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Finn's POV

Rory just told me we're pregnant and to boot pregnant with quadruplets.

"Are you sure?" I asked with a small smile.

"Yes I am here." She says grabbing something from her purse and handing it to me. I look down at it and I'm grinning like an idiot.

My eyes well up with tears "Baby we're pregnant." I say happily.

"Yes baby we are." She says with tears and her voice cracking.

"How far along?" I ask as I look at the picture again.

"I'm three months pregnant." She says with a smile.

I jump up and pull her into a hug. "I'm so happy baby." I say emotionally.

"I am to baby." She says tearfully.

Rory's POV

We sit back down right as our food arrives.

"I also heard the baby's heartbeat. It was amazing." I say in awe.

"I'm sorry I missed it." He says feeling bad.

"Baby don't feel bad. The doctor made a recording so tonight we can watch it." I say with a smirk.

"Really?" He asked hopeful.

"Yes baby. When do you want to tell the family and our friends?" I asked him nervously.

"How about next week we have dinner with our family one night and then another night our friends." He says.

"That sounds great." I say with a smile.

We eat our lunch and we head back to our offices. When I get back Austin was in my office waiting for me.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"We just got the employment records for Derek. It says Finnegan wrote him a letter of recommendation." He says.

"No way. He fired him." I say and he hands me the letter.

I immediately call my clients and tell them what's going on they told me to do whatever I needed to do.

I grab my phone and call Finnegan. "Hello." He says.

"Finnegan I need to meet you immediately. Are you at the same hotel Finn is working today?" I asked him.

"Yes I am. What's the matter?" He asked concerned.

"We're on our way we'll discuss it when we get there." I say and hang up and I call Mark.

"Mark I know for a fact that he forged a letter of recommendation from Finnegan Morgan SR." I say.

"How do you know this? Send me a copy of the letter." He asked.

"Finnegan fired him. We found he was doing unwanted passes and other stuff." I say.

"Keep me updated." He says.

"Send him a copy of the recommendation." I say to austin and he nods.

We quickly make it to the hotel and we see Finn. "Baby what are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"I needed to speak to your father on a urgent matter." I say.

Before he can ask any more questions Finnegan comes out. He escorts Austin and I into his office.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Remember Derek forest?" Austin asked him.

"Yes the video evidence of what he was doing along with other things. Why?" Finnegan asked perplexed.

"Apparently you wrote a letter of recommendation for him." Austin says.

"I did what?" He booms loudly with anger.

"Yeah here. I'll be right back." I say and quickly make my way out of the office and to the ladies room. God this morning sickness is all day and I can't wait til it's over.

After I rinse my mouth out and splash my face with some water and brush my teeth quickly.

When I walk out Finn's there with a worried expression. "You ok love?" He asked concerned.

"Morning sickness. It's a all day thing." I say leaning into him.

"Come on I'll walk you to the office and get you some tea to settle your stomach." He says affectionally.

He tells the sectary what he wants and we walk back towards his dads office and I sit back down.

"I want to warn you that the FBI has been contacted due to his ties with Lindsay." I say and can see no recognition on their faces.

"Amber Jones." Austin says.

"Can we see his employment record?" I asked him. He nods and his sectary comes with my tea and says she'll be back with the file.

"You ok darling girl?" Finnegan asked concerned.

"Yeah just under the weather." I say. "I have coffee coming for us." He tells Austin and Finn.

The moment the coffee comes in I'm out the door rushing to the bathroom. Oh god coffee is betraying me. I rinse my mouth out and splash my face again. Once again when I walk out Finn's waiting for me.

"Coffee smell is killing you love?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah. It made me feel a little queasy this morning but just now oh god. It was just horrible." I say with a pout.

"Oh love." Finn says pulling me close.

We walk back to the office luckily the coffee was removed. "Everything ok?" Finnegan asked concerned.

"Pop she's fine." Finn says and I nod.

The sectary comes back with the file and hands it to me. I open it and my eyes go wide

"Oh my god." Austin and I exclaim.

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