Chapter 20 - The Devil You Know

Start from the beginning

"Oh, uh, Crowley, Zane, excuse me for asking, but aren't you kind of signing your own death warrants?" Dean asked. "I mean, what happens to you if we go up against the Devil and lose?"

"Well, to our knowledge, he's going to wipe us all out anyway," Zane told them.

"Two, after you leave here, I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere," Crowley told them.

From 5.01 - Sympathy for the Devil: In St. Mary's Convent, The blood pouring out of Lilith had finished its pattern on the floor, almost like a vortex of a door. A brilliant white light flowed from the central point of the pattern. Dean grabbed Catty's jacket. Catty grabbed Sam's shirt and Scarlett's arm. Scarlett held both of Sam and Catty's arms.

Gabriel: (voice over from 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods) "The Cage you sprung Lucifer from? You can shove his ass back in."

From 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods: Roadside, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Sam were watching the video Gabriel had made to explain to them.

Gabriel: (on video) "The key to the Cage? Four rings from the Horsemen."

From 5.02 - Good God, Y'All!: On main street, Ness took War's right hand, slamming it against Catty's Mustang, cutting off all four of his fingers, making him scream in pain. The ring clinked on the pavement.

Scarlett: (voice over from 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods) "We got War's."

From 5.14 - My Bloody Valentine: Outside Biggerson's, Famine sat in his wheelchair, having a Horsemen ring on his hand ring finger.

Dean: (voice over from 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods) "We nicked Famine's."

From 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods: Roadside, Scarlett smirked. "That's two rings down. Collect all four?"

From 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods: In the Eagle's Pass General Store, Pestilence stood at the front counter, sneezing all over the clerk's face, covering him in mucus.

Dean: (voice over from 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods) "All we need is Pestilence and Death."

From 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods: On the road, Pestilence was driving, clearly not as sick as he had been playing, smirking.

Sam: (voice over from 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods) "Oh, is that all?"

From 5.19 - Hammer of the Gods: Roadside, Catty looked at Dean, Scarlett and Sam, shrugging barely. "It's a plan."



Day One

Night - Scientific Lab

Lab rats were held in containers or boxes. A janitor was sweeping. Two male doctors walked in.

"I'm just glad we got something to offer people," Doctor 1 told him.

"Well, I'm sorry," Doctor 2 told him. "It's a load of crap. Pure profit-driven crap."

They stopped in front of testing cages for monkeys, taking notes on their clipboards.

"Well, swing flu?" Doctor 1 asked. "It's an epidemic."

"Yeah, well, if Niveus was really worried about the epidemic, they'd be giving the vaccine out for free," Doctor 2 told him. "This supposed new formula?"

"Well, they say it's faster-acting," Doctor 1 told him.

"Maybe it is, but Human trials this week?" Doctor 2 asked.

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