Chapter 8 - Changing Channels

Start from the beginning

Bobby: (voice over from 2.15 - Tall Tales) "You got a Trickster on your hands."

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the hotel room, Dean looked at Ness and Bobby. "So, what is it? Spirit, Demon, what?"

"Well, more like Demigods, really," Bobby answered.

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the auditorium, the Trickster's fake body shimmered, disappearing. The real Trickster took a bite of his chocolate bar, smiling.

Bobby: (voice over from 2.15 - Tall Tales) "They're immortal, and they can create things out of thin air."

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the hotel room, Ness looked at Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty. "Usually with a sense of humor. Deadly pranks, things like that."

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the Trickster's Apartment, the kitchen was covered in lavish sweets. Two scantily clad women appeared on either side of the Trickster.

Dean: (voice over from 2.15 - Tall Tales) "Another thing Bobby and Ness mentioned was that these suckers have a real sweet tooth."

From 3.11 - Mystery Spot: There were flashes of all the ways that the Trickster had made Sam, Scarlett and Dean die.

Catty: (voice over from 3.11 - Mystery Spot) "So this is fun for you? Killing Sam, Scar and Dean over and over again?"

From 3.11 - Mystery Spot: In the Mystery Spot, The Trickster looked at Catty. "Cat, there's a lesson here."

"What lesson?" Catty asked.

"Scarlett, Sam and Dean are your weakness," the Trickster told her. "The bad guys know it, too. They're going to be the death of you, Catty."

Catty didn't answer.



Supernatural Sit Com

Morning - Sun'n Sands Motel - Outside

The color was too bright. It looked like a comedy sit com.

Ness: (voice over) "'Supernatural is filmed before a live studio audience."


Motel Room

Dean put some things in a refrigerator, closing the fridge, turning around. There was applause. There was a sandwich on the table, about a foot tall.

Dean looked at the sandwich. "I'm gonna need a bigger mouth." Sam, Scarlett and Catty walked in. There was applause. "Hey, there, Sam. Catty, Scar, what's happening?"

"Oh, nothing," Catty told him in a forced bright tone. "Just the end of the world." There was a laugh track. Catty saw the large sandwich. "You're gonna need a bigger mouth."

There was a laugh track.

"Hey, uh, have you done your research yet?" Sam asked.

Dean got a 'busted' expression. There was a laugh track.

"Oh, yeah," Dean told them unconvincingly. "All kinds of research. All night."

"Yeah?" Scarlett asked, unconvinced. "Hmm."

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