Chapter 6 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

Start from the beginning

Catty nodded. "Yeah, me, too. But we're gonna have to do it on the same level."

Dean smiled a small smile. "You got it."



Alliance, Nebraska

Night - House - Living Room

A young woman watched a movie on TV. A hairbrush sat on top of the TV.

The girl leaned forward, taking the brush, brushing her hair while watching TV. She had plastic nails on. She heard something, turning around. She put the brush back, standing, looking around. "Jimmy?" She walked a little further, sliding a closet open to reveal a boy, presumably Jimmy, inside, unmoving and covered in something red that looked like blood, and a headband with arrow halves on either side to make it as if he had been shot in the head with the arrow. The girl sighed. "I told you to go to bed."

"I can't," Jimmy told her. "I'm dead."

The girl leaned down to touch the red substance. "What is this, ketchup? Gross!"

The girl hit Jimmy lightly.

Jimmy stood. "Ow. You're mean."

"Yeah, that's what your parents pay me for, to be mean," the girl told him sarcastically, pulling Jimmy out of the closet. "Bed, now."

"Okay, okay," Jimmy told her. "Just wait." The girl let him go. Jimmy turned to face her, taking off the headband. "Wait. I'll go to be if you let me touch your boob."

The girl sighed, pushing Jimmy along. "Go!"

The girl watched Jimmy walk upstairs, going back to the movie. She heard barking, turning off the TV. The barking continued. The girl walked toward the window, moving the curtains to look outside.



There was nothing but static on the TV. A man and woman walked past the window, into the house. The girl was lying on her side on the sofa, apparently asleep.

The man looked at the woman. "I'll, uh, take Amber home. Don't wait up." The woman walked upstairs. The man turned off the TV, walking toward the girl on the couch. "Amber." Amber didn't answer. "Amber." Amber didn't answer. "Amber?" Amber didn't answer. The man leaned down to touch Amber's shoulder, feeling something squelch. He turned on the light, looking at the liquid on his fingers. Blood. The man rolled Amber onto her back. There was a hole in her skull that showed her brain. The man yelled for the woman in horror. "Francine!"

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Day Two

Morning - Hospital - Morgue

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty were standing in the morgue, posing as FBI, holding up the fake badges to show the male doctor.

"Agents Page, Bonham, Plant and Jones, FBI," Catty told him.

"What brings you by?" the doctor asked.

"We need to see Amber Freer's body," Sam told him.

"Really?" the doctor asked. "What for?"

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