Chapter Nineteen

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"Where are we going?" I asked Niall as he continued to focus on the road ahead of him.

This morning Niall had woken me with a hug and a kiss with the sun greeting my face as it warmed it with its natural heat. He had urged me to get ready and wear nothing too nice but nice enough before he loaded both of us into the car and started driving his way to his destination. Since then I had had no clue as to where it was he was taking me.

"You'll see" Niall said with a slight smirk on the side of his face.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat as I stared out the window hoping that my surroundings would somehow give me a hint or some kind of clue, but nothing gave away this mysterious place I was heading to.

After a while of driving and many love songs later Niall parked the car in front of a huge fenced area. I smiled as I recognized this place. It was the fair. Inside were huge roller coasters, a Ferris wheel and many other rides.

This place had been one of my favorite places to go when I was a small child. I remember my parents would bring me here every year and spoil me rotten with cotton candy, roasted hot dogs, fresh pop corn and whatever else it was that I had been wanting. My mom would stand off outside and would watch me as I rode the biggest and scariest roller coaster while my father was off talking to some man on his phone talking business.

I found myself smiling wider than usual as I remembered great memories that had been spent here years before.

Niall got out of the car before helping me out of my seat as I continued to gawk in awe at the special place before me.

"Are you amazed?" he asked as he squeezed my hand tight, both of us walking to the ticket booth.

I nodded "Of coarse I am. This place was my favorite place as a child" I stated.

He chuckled " I know. I couldn't resist bringing you. After all its my job to make you happy."

Niall bought our wrist bands and we both entered the fair, taking a look around the crowded area.

inside were hot dog stands, ice cream stands, all sorts of carnival games and rides upon rides on end.

The first ride me and Niall rode together was the yo yo. Niall seated me in first, careful with my belly so he wouldn't harm the baby then seated him self behind me. When we lifted up in the air and started going around in circles I suddenly felt like a kid again. The same kid who wouldn't have made such a mess of her life this way. the same kid who her mom would still love.

I chuckled in happiness as we spun around and around, the wind flying through my hair. I looked behind me and spotted Niall. he was gazing below him at the ground in amazement. clearly enjoying his time on the ride.

After the ride ended me and Niall ended up playing a few carnival games together. Of coarse, being as coordinated as I am, I lost every time and Niall would win with a huge smile on his face, but each time he won he handed me a new teddy bear that said I love you. I just couldn't believe that I was dating the sweetest guy there was.

Around the time for dinner Niall scarfed down three hot dogs, an elephant ear, five refills of mountain dew and an extra large hot fudge covered ice cream. While I only ate a hamburger. Niall tried to get me to eat more but I refused and instead insisted that we ride a few more rides before we had to leave.

The last ride we rode was the Farris wheel. Niall and I seated ourselves in the seat. Niall's arm wrapped around my shoulder as I watched my feet dangle.

"Thanks for taking me tonight" I said as I gazed up at him.

He gave me a cheeky smile and kissed my cheek. "You are certainly welcome. I love spoiling you"

"Also thanks for offering me a place to stay and sticking with me through this whole thing. I know this must be difficult for you."

Niall raised his eye brows "Are you kidding me. I love having you around, I love being with you and now I love you twice as much because are carrying part of me in you and its my fault."

I shook my head. "It's my fault. I should have just said no or made you use a freaking condom."

Niall giggled and leaned in close to me as we drew closer and closer to the top of the Farris wheel. "I don't regret a thing" he said then leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, making my head spin, my heart skip a beat and my whole body melt next to his.

Me and Niall were exiting the fair heading back to his car wanting nothing more than to go home and get some sleep. But....something outside of the fair fences stopped me in my tracks and almost made trip over a flat surface. It was a face. A face I knew very well, and one I never thought I'd see again. I gasped as he turned around and I realized it was my own flesh and blood. He was my father


Took a while to finish this since I've been busy this summer. but I was basically threatened if I didn't write this. Lol jk jk. anyways here it is. I just needed a bit of motivation to write this and I found my motivation so it's done. Don't know when next chapter will be up, hopefully soon though so I can keep my motivation up and finish this as soon as possible. Anyways, vote, comment and/or follow. I follow back!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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