Chapter Six

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"What?" he asked a bit shocked. I could tell he was shocked because his face was paler than usual.

'I'm pregnant Niall, and the baby's yours" I answered back, the tears coming back out again.

I leaned down and cried into Niall's shirt as he softly ran his hand through my hair, trying to soothe me. It helped a little, but not enough to stop my crying and take away all my problems and pain.

After a while of crying I pulled back to look at Niall who's face was now back to normal. "Are you mad?" I asked.

He shook his head softly and smiled "No. A bit shocked? Yeah. But mad? No. I could never be mad at you".

"Are you sure?"

He nodded "Yeah. i'll be here for you until the baby's born. And even after that. Wait, are you keeping the baby?"

"I don't know yet Niall. i'm a little young"

He nodded understanding where I was getting to. "Whatever you decided is for the best. I'm sure you'll make the right decision" he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Does your mom know?" he asked.

I shook my head "No. And please keep it that way.".

He nodded "Okay" he said before pulling me back down for a hug.


The next morning I woke up and found Niall and me lying on the couch. I guess we had fallen asleep after all that crying. Niall held me close with his hand on the flat part of my stomach where the baby would be. I smiled gently but it still felt somewhat off to know that your life would soon be changing because of the fact you're pregnant. It's a lot to take in yeah but as long as Niall helped me through it like he said he would I would be fine. All I needed was at least one person to understand the problem I was in and the consequences that come with it. That's all I asked, was for someone like that to be with me. To help me through. And Niall defiantly knows how it feels because this is his child too, he's facing the same challenge I was.

 I looked over at the clock and found it was 6:00 AM. Only an hour until we had to be at school.

I tapped Niall on the shoulder but he didn't wake up. I did it again and he still didn't wake up. Then I bent down and placed a lingering kiss on his lips until I felt him smile underneath and pull me closer. He rolled me over and got on top of me as I giggled.

"Niall" I giggled.

"What?" he asked as he smiled back with his lips inches from mine.

'We need to get ready for school" I answered.

"Oh really?" he moved closer.

"Yes" I answered.

"I don't think so" he answered then leaned in and brushed his lips softly against mine. We stayed like this until Niall finally got off me.

Niall had to leave to go home and change while I took a shower and quickly put on white lacy see through shirt with a grey tank top underneath , new jeans and grey converse.

When Niall honked outside to come pick me up for school I quickly ran down stairs and got into his grey Volvo.

He gently pecked me on the lips before we took off for school.


All day at school I was perfectly fine. I got to see my best friend Wendy and got to sit next to Niall as usual at lunch. All of this took my mind off of the baby. I was now a little happy about the baby but still worried about my mom finding out. I was happy for one that it was Niall's and not anyone else's and second that I would get to meet it some day. A precious little me if it was a girl or a little baby boy. Then it occurred to me, What if it's more than one. What if it's two? Three? Four? Or even Six? I don't think I could Handle that many. But I guess that I would have to worry about that when the time came. Which thank god was not for a while.

"When are you leaving?" Wendy asked Niall at lunch.

Niall shoved a French fry in his mouth "Oh. I'm leaving next week for about a week for interviews and a couple of concerts. Then i'll be coming back and having a month off" he said.

"Baby? You're leaving" I whined.

He looked down at me and smiled. "just for a little bit. I'll come back. I promise" he said holding out his pinkie offering a pinkie promise.

I smiled and locked pinkies with him.

That was about it for the day. After school Niall couldn't come over because he had to do some more recordings. After school I just went straight home and took a nap, dreaming about the baby.


Hey guys,

I know this is short and its not the best work I've done but I was a little rushed. I wanted to get this done for you guys and still be able to edit my other stories that will come soon. so i'm so sorry. I might have another chapter out today, but most likely not. I hope you understand. anyways...





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